
If John Mccain was to die while in office and you supporters honestly and sincerly say ?

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You trust his vp to run this country




  1. Oh yes, a housewife raising five kids, living in Alaska is definitely qualified to be President of the United States...Ya know why?   Cause she is a woman!

    That is why he picked her, isn't it?

    Oh, you said McCain supporters, didn't you.

  2. I trust Sarah over abominable Obama any day.

  3. I asked a similar question last night, most of the republicans said YES. But that is just because they don't want to see the truth ..

  4. They're drinking too much Kool Aid.

  5. Obama has no executive experience, he was a community organizer. that means he walked around the ghetto with a clipboard asking people what the want to see changed. I did that in high school. He spent 143 days in the US Senate.

    Mccains VP is a governor, Mccain has many years in the senate,.

    You trust Obama fior experience?  then you are a fool.

  6. McCain's campaign is starting to sound like a flat tire. flop flop flop flop.  His VP choice is the mark of a desperate politician.

  7. Yes, I can sincerely say that I would love to see someone who is not a Washington insider take the helm, and kick some of the congressional butts that so easily sell out the American people. Palin successfully fought against political corruption on both sides of the isle and we could sure use some of that in Washington/Congress today.

    Further, she has managed to deliver a budget surplus and is giving the extra cash back to the citizens of Alaska... we could sure use that kind of fiscal responsibility too.

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