
If John Terry walked into the room with his captains armband on..?

by  |  earlier

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What would you say/do to him??

Creative answers please...funny and serious!! lol

Have a nice day...;)




  1. i'll congratulate him and tell him dont waste this oppurtunity

  2. Penalty



  3. i'd just sing this:

    this song has been stuck in my head for three days now its drving me nuts!

  4. Just do the same job as you do every week for Chelsea - Go Get 'Em JT!

  5. ask for his autograph

  6. I'd say - take it off lad, you don't have to wear it for bed....

  7. give him a HUGE hug LOL

    then ask him for cesc's number!

  8. u want my burger..??

  9. You feeling better after Diaby kicked you in the face and knocked you out?

  10. WHERE'S RIO?

  11. JUST his arm band ???

    wooo! *naughty images in head*

    erm .... well i wouldnt say no! ;-P

  12. id take it off him and give it to rio ferdinand jt is a bad captin

  13. I would ask him where Steven Gerrard is :D

  14. I'd ask him if he watched the Rugby League match over the weekend

  15. Did you only have enough money for half a hair cut?

    then ask him if he wanted a wipe his tears and lampards c** from his chin

  16. i'd run up to him hug him and say omg i love you and where is your mate lampard? lol

  17. I would rip off the armband, quickly followed by the whole footie kit and then savage him all over the changing room floor, and show him what a real woman can do grrrr

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