
If Kobe is the Defensive Stopper why did Chris Paul have more Steals in less playing time ?

by Guest10794  |  earlier

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Seems like when Kobe goes to the Bench USA extends its lead,

so how is it he is a stopper but gives up more points when he is

on the floor than Chris Paul or D Wade.





  1. That's like saying Scola is a better scorer than Kobe because Scola had more points in this game than Kobe.

  2. He does things that don't show on the stat sheet. He plays pressure D, forces travels, make the person give it up. Seems like you love Kobe since you keep asking about him. LOL.

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  3. There are a lot of things that make a good defender that are not counted in the books. Its not all blocks and steals. Kobe contests shots, forces turnovers, and rlly shuts downs players who are supposed to be scorers

  4. Another Kobe hater.

    Sigh. Why am I not surprised??

  5. No.  Kobe scored like 9 of the US's first 13 points when they jumped to an early advantage and when he went to the bench thats when Argentina started coming back.

    Btw, did you even watch the game?  Or are you solely going by the box scores?

    And steals doesnt equal great defense.  Defense is locking down your opponent.  Paul had 3 steals, Kobe had 2.  Who cares, 1 possession more.   But Kobe did a much better job on a much more tougher matchup on the defensive end.

    Please watch a game or something.

  6. look.. i am ot a Kobe fan at all!!!.. but stop f))KING hating man!!!... Kobe is really good.... you are a obviously a Kobe hater.... Kobe would ROCK!!! Chris Paul.. one on one... that does not matter... you are not the coach to the team.. each player has its function.. eveyone in the world knows that kobe Bryant is the best player in the NBA... the team startegy is simple: WIN GOLD!!!   kobe can easily be a decoy for everyone else to charge the board... its funny how you are not talking about jason kid or boozer! stop hating man.. this is our country... be happry fr the U.S. Team... our guys are doing very vey very well and i am 110% sure that they will take GOLD....  it does not matter who scored how much or who stoped who. this is a team!.. Kobe is a bigger threat to an offense so they avoid matching up with him or going one on one with him so they swing the ball around another route... and who would you go after??????? the smallest guy on the court correct?!?!?!?!? (c. Paul!) so there is your answer...  

  7. Shut down defense and steals are too different things.

    Just because Paul has more steals doesn't mean he's a better defender.

    Kobe does shut his guy down and keep him from scoring. Thats all that counts.

    Another Kobe hater stikes again

  8. im pretty sure he's overrated in Defense.. he's not bad, but he's not the best either.. i'd say he's average...

    all those 1st team All-Defense shouldve been given to someone else for all these years.. shane battier ya digg?

  9. He's not a defensive stopper.  The media and him are the only ones that say he is.  Tayshawn Prince is the defensive stopper.  Kobe is over rated and became a ball hog again today.  Mike should've stopped him at half time and not let him play again.  He had three bad shots in a row and then got blocked.  

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