
If Kobe was to leave and play in Europe, would it change the face of the NBA?

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I truly think that Kobe is the heart of the NBA (Haters, feel free to disagree). If he left, i wouldnt even bother watching basketball as a whole.




  1. on my opinion; talent wise, no, because the NBA has enormous depth of talent available, you have the best players in the world playing in the NBA; but marketing wise, yes, because Kobe is one of the most marketable player in the NBA, Kobe-lovers will stop watching the game and the amount of money that's revolving around him that will be lost will certainly be felt by the NBA. NBA's lost will be Europe's gain, hehe.

  2. uh yea the nba would change but theres still hella good ppl like cp3 and dwight howard and lebron etc.....

  3. Hes the next micheal jordan if you guys really know about basketball you guys would know he would be the next greatest player. Matter of fact he is...Lebron didnt win tha mvp for this year like he thought he was... but he didnt... so keep up with your status on basketball if you really watch it and know about kobe... tha NBA league would change without him... No one could get on his level he reached Michael Jordans level way long time ago... You guys can hate him or love him...  

  4. this is just another question to cause more .

    kobes not leaving the nba.

    and no\ one is "the face"

    the nba is the nba

    don't hate,


  5. even if kobe was the best in the NBA, him leaving wouldn't change the league at all.

  6. I guess Lebron becomes the "King of the NBA", or the "Crybaby" to the Washington Wizards.

  7. Kobe is *arguably* (I personally don't think so) the most talented player in the NBA. So yes, it would definitely change the face of the NBA if he left for Europe.

  8. Well good for you we won't miss you. The NBA would be just fine without Kobe. I mean I can see why Kobe would want to go to Europe seeing how he got embarassed by Paul Pierce, but it's just not going to happen. Kobe isn't going anywhere. There's tons of talented players in the NBA that are worth watching you have Chris Paul, Baron Davis, Monta Ellis, Deron Williams, Tracy McGrady, Tim Duncan, Dwight Howard, Al Jefferson, Elton Brand, etc......

  9. The NBA has survived generations of superstars leaving/retiring or playing elsewhere for so long that another superstar leaving it will not be that earth-shaking in magnitude!

    The only ones who will be affected are the sponsors of his endorsements  which will dropped in sales........ but that's business and so is the NBA!

  10. no it wouldnt change the face of the nba.. the only people that a move like that would impact is people who only watch basketball because they love kobe(like yourself).. all the true fans of the game will continue to watch the nba just like they did before kobe was in the league and will do once he retires.. the nba is bigger than one person..

  11. I wouldn't say Kobe is the face of the NBA or the "heart" of the NBA, that would be Lebron's place now (sorry not hatin thats just what it is). Sure the NBA would change but not dramatically and people would stop watching, well Lakers Fans would. Now if Lebron James left to Europe that would change the NBA dramatically. He is the NBA's golden boy, the "heart" of the NBA, the Future of the League, the KING. If he left the NBA would have to find a new Golden Boy and a new heir to the thrown. Lebron leaving would be devastating but Kobe leaving would only be sad and stuff. (I'm not hatin I really do like Kobe I just don't feel he is the best or the Face of the NBA)

  12. It would , i dont think sports commentators and those who know real basketball are saying that hes the best player in the NBA for no reason

  13. I would have to disagree with you. kobe is not the heart of the nba. and if he decides to go play in europe nobody would miss him.

  14. well nobody needs over rated lebron james. paul peirce or even chris pual because kobe would be and is the heart of the nba whether you like it or not.

  15. I think the NBA is what it is because of it's history and the COLLECTION OF TALENT that it has. I would agree that Kobe is ONE of the best players on the planet right now, and that being said it would change the roster of the NBA that's about it. I think that the NBA is bigger than any one player. Kobe is gonna leave the NBA one day, one way or the other.....and when that day comes the NBA will live on.  

  16. even if im a celtics fan, definitely im gonna miss him.

  17. some people dont watch basketball because of kobe, just a few kobe kids would stop watching because theyre not a fan of the sport

  18. if the king left it wudnt matter cuz hes the FUTURE.  D-Wade, CP3, Melo, ect cud easily take his place if the nba put there pic on everything like they do w/ james.  but w/ kobe, hes the NOW.  as much as haters say thed love it now, theyd have no body to hate on!!!  hes the face of the nba now and for the next couple years.  i would still watch tho, 1 less playoff eam in the west! lol

  19. Are you kidding me, heck yes.. Kobe has maybe more than 2/5 of people that watch basketball as his fans.. Not to mention the 3/5 of his hater will probably do anything to watch him play, so they can still talk c**p..

  20. Yes.  The best player in the world right now leaving the NBA? God thats way to harsh to even think about it.  NBA would do something to prevent this immediatly if it did happen.  He is the most skilled player in the world, it would be a HUGE loss if he's gone.  BAsketball would not be the same.

  21. Kobe is the best player in the league right now. I don't care what anyone says LeBron, D Wade, Carmelo, they're all nice but not on Kobe's level

  22. if peja, dirk and all euro players will come along with him, he'll be honored. childress was just stupid and craving for bunch of money, he's not a big lost to nba. who cares if he went to greece.

  23. i don't think so im not a hater of kobe byrant though either kobe will leave someday i don't think any 1 player leaving will change the game though so it will only change for the lakers fans

  24. it would be boring....i mean come on with out kobe there is no hating and loving i mean it would boring......and rating will go down.....i mean it would be terrible.....remeber when bron went to the finals the Rating was the Worst in NBA history....... No kobe = Boring !

  25. LeChoke can't even be as good as 1/1000 the skills Bryant is... Yes it would change the face and I ain't seein' no Kings over there in Cleveland!

  26. it definetely would. kobe is the current best in the world. he is the soul of the nba. the new mj. without him all the players in the nba would feel like they never really had a chance to play againts the best. it would really take a lot off the nba if kobe left

  27. no there are always going to be great player  the nba would have no prob with it

  28. Well it would change it in that it shows how NBA players care more about money then fame, cause honestly who would watch them in Europe?   Way more fans and publicity in the USA.  Anyways if any superstar bballer (kobe lebron paul) in the NBA left for europe there would be some fallout for sure.

  29. No, only the Lakers who depend on him. Other than that like others said you have CP3 and D-Will two premiere point guards who are only going to get better. King James who's one of the most explosive players in the NBA right now.  

  30. Yes, the face would change. There would be one less spoiled brat whiner. The NBA doesn't need Kobe Bryant. There are many other talented stars both existing and upcoming.

    Kobe, on the other hand, needs the NBA. What would he be without it? Probably in jail.

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