
If Korea is homogenous why do the people have 2 distinct facial structures?

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If you look at Korean people you will see two distinct bone structures: the rounder face and the face with the sharper lines. Why is this?

Is the same genetic drift in Japan? Could Japanese people be included in the genetic homogeny of Korea? (I am talking strictly genetics, not political or cultural boundaries.)

Perhaps I do not fully understand what homogeneity means.




  1. korea has spent most of its history being dominated by the mongols chinese and japanese. why they are considered a seperate race will remain a mystery

  2. Maybe it's the Yin and the Yang in them!

  3. Homogeneous is a matter of definition and degree. There will be some variation from a perceived norm.

    Korea was ruled as a colony of Japan for some 50 years. No doubt there were some form of mixing. There are also the notorious "comfort women" the Japanese forced into prostitution.

    Korea was formed from the three kingdoms. There's some suggestion that Japan was settled from Korea and the Japanese language is a form from one of the now extinct Korean Kingdoms. It's possible there were some differencing physical characteristics between the kingdoms.

    The nation was also invaded and conquered several times. No doubter mixing occurred there.

  4. Koreans have about 30% of Y Chromosome Ob1, a major haplogroup of Manchuria & Japan, seldom found in China.

    Japanese & Koreans are very closely related, although some small percentage of Koreans are related to Chinese & some Mongols. Therefore Koreans are more diverse than are Japanese.

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