
If LSD is dangerous how come you never actually hear of real people who have suffered the worst side-effects?

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They always told you that there was a chance you could get stuck in a never ending acid trip and you'd be completely nuts for the rest of your life, but has that actually ever happened? And the same with flashbacks, does anyone really know someone who's had a flashback, like as they were talking to you at Starbucks? Was it cool?




  1. I've technically experienced a flash back.  The definition is very loose.  A few days after a trip I saw some shifting color with something I was looking at while tripping.  Ho hum.

    While most of what you hear is stupid urban legend, traumatic flash backs do occur.  Any sufficiently intense experience can cause them.

  2. I seem to remember some people were so tripped out they thought they could fly. So they jumped out windows, etc, and died. Drugs are not cool....

  3. My best friend's brother was a genius (really).  He went to a college party and someone thought it'd be funny to put LSD in his drink.  They found him 3 days later in a closet, out of his mind.  He was never right after that and always needed help.  He died an early death just recently.

    Effing yes!  LSD is dangerous!!!  I teach kids with special needs and they would love to have your perfect body.  Don't put c**p (drugs) into it!  

  4. there is a chance and it has happened. its actually a very scary thought. and yes i have heard of someone who has had flashbacks. my health teacher told us about his friend who did it in college and he was seeing green people and they had to stop him from jumping off of the balcony because he was so scared. that guy also has flashbacks still. it almost killed him. and its not cool at all to see someone like that

  5. i agree. i will tell you one thing about LSD though. it can make current or underlying mental disorder worse.

    plus look up hppd. its a very rare disorder but it does happen with hallucinogens. particularly LSD.

    by the way if you look it up make sure its not misclassified as flashbacks. thats something else. look up HPPD with permanent visuals

    they have info abiout it on

    (whoch by the way is a great and unbiased source for drugs. never read anything government sponsored)

  6. Actually flashbacks have been a well chronicled event in many many science journals.  Please do a pubmed search for LSD Flashback and see how many articles detailing the lost lives due to LSD.

    It is also a great urban myth how much LSD could be used for so many psychological ailments yet some government organization is holding the data back.  Please, the prima donnas that make up the medical and scientific communities would not be hold such data back.

    The reason why you don't hear of people with flashback and LSD overusage is that they usually have become institutionalized or become complete reckluses within the community.  It isn't a problem if you don't know about Johnny - if Johnny is trying to break into your house/car because  he needs his next fix (crack, meth) then it becomes a national issue.

    The problem is there for those people - because it doesn't affect everyone in the community is why you don't hear about it.

  7. The permanent trip stuff is all bullcrap government propaganda put out by the government to prevent people from taking LSD. As for flashbacks, people can suffer from HPPD after an intense psychedelic experience but it is very rare. I think they're just overreacting too. LSD was the most positive experience of my life. It turned me around and opened up a more spiritual path.

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