
If Larry Holmes was prime 10 years later than he was, how would that have effected his legacy?

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I just mean coming prime time in '87 vs '77.

I love "what if" questions :)

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  1. Everyone would talk about how Tyson was better.  Then the fight would finally be made we all find out that a great boxer beats a great slugger, and nothing but excuses and bewilderment from Tyson fans.  Then Evander Holyfield loses a decision to Larry.   Nothing but excuses about Holyfield being too small and that Larry should have knocked him out.  Then Larry beats Riddick Bowe, and everyone will say it was because Bowe was a knucklehead rather than Larry being better.  Then Larry knocks out Lennox Lewis because Lewis was just another English import with no chin.  Basically, it would be the same it was in the 70's and 80's, folks not giving Larry his proper respect by blaming inferior competition.  Larry only made fighters look inferior.

    Folks don't understand how great Larry was because too many folks don't understand the subtler talents that comprise a great figther.

  2. Gooooood question!

    Imagine Holmes the prototype for the perfect Heavyweight, 6'3 220, reach of a lightpole, jab like a jackhammer,right hand that rivals any in history, stamina for weeks and heart and chin of iron coming into his prime in the late 80's. WOW . Well bums like Pinklon Thomas,Bonecrusher Smith,Greg Page, Gerrie Coetzee,Tony Tubbs and Tim Witherspoon would never have held their versions of the ''title'' And he would have decapitated Michael Spinks instead of losing.

    But the big one would be Mike Tyson, he was coming into his prime at the same time (Can u say Ali vs. Frazier all over again?)

    If the Larry Holmes who fought a lengendary battle with Ken Norton and arose from a devasting right from Earnie Shavers brought that same heart into 87' instead of 77' he could quite possibly have broken Marciano's record as he would have wiped out the division similer to Tyson.

    The heavys of the late 80's were nothing like the ones of the 70's and Larry would have had a field day. Tyson being the only one in his way and I could see him in his prime giving Tyson a good working over beating him and possibly tasting the canvas in the process, which would have led to a possible rematch.

    And Holmes would eventually meet Holyfield, Lewis, even Foreman which would make for great fights.

    P.S. Thumbs up to Elmer u hit the nail on the head.

  3. I would love to see Larry Holmes in his prime against Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis and Michael Spinks. He might have to get up from a knock down to win a decision from Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis since both of these guys can punch and we all know Larry can be knock down like against Renaldo Snipes....

  4. I think Holmes would have knocked out Tyson in a close tough fight

  5. He would still be a bumb

  6. Great question.  That puts Larry in the company of slightly better competition than he actually faced.  He came at the tail end of the FANTASTIC 70s so he beat a very sick Ali and a post prime Norton.  He would still beat Norton no matter what.  He never fought Forman or Frazier.  

    In 87 he misses Weaver and Shavers but cleans up on Thomas, Page a now slightly older Whitherspoon and still some of the others he did face in the real world.   He beats them all.  

    Being that Tyson is a KO artist he would be the one to sky rocket to the top faster than Holmes would.   To be honest,  I believe Team Tyson would avoid Holmes for as long as they could.   I dont care what ANYONE says  I KNOW for a fact that Jacobs DID NOT want Tyson to fight Forman.   I'm SURE they would have avoided Holmes too.  But let's just say they eventually DO fight Holmes.

    Douglas would never have gotten the chance to upset Mike.  Tyson was champ in 86.  Holmes would not be ready to fight Mike until about 88-89.  Jacobs, being the genius he was, would want Holmes ASAP.  If he couldnt get him in 87, when Mike is ready,  he would try to put it off as long as possible.   Tyson would rule the division and Holmes would be forced to feast on what's left.

    Still, Holmes would hone his craft and watch Tyson closely.   One thing Larry never showed is fear.   He would NOT fear Tyson.   The promoters would try to steer Holmes in the direction of the most dangerous in the division while Tyson knocks over one "B-rater" after another.  I take nothing from Tyson but his team did NOT want to take too many risks.

    By the time they meet in early or mid 1990 Mike would be in for a big surprise.   Whatever made Tyson just STAND there and allow Douglas to T off on him is still a mystery.   Tyson did the "bob-n-weave" thing for a while but that ended in about the 3rd, making it very easy for Buster to score.    

    Larry is MUCH more accurate than Douglas.  What this means is that his right hands does more damage than Douglas' did in the real world.   Douglas was PROBABLY slightly stronger than Holmes.  However,  Larry made MUCH better use of is power.  He can hurt you in ways Buster can't.  

    No hvt. can take too many of those "neck jarring"  straight rights from Holmes.   Some would not have to.   Larry has it all.  Only ONE style would trouble him.  He would have trouble with a very mobil fighter like a young ALi.    He could make it tough for Ali and would certainly be a hand full for anyone else.  

    Tyson would not be so fortunate.  Even he can not take too many straight rights from Holmes.  Even at his best, Tyson slowed down considerably by the 5th--6th if things did not go his way.   Larry would notice this and step it up, giving Tyson more reason to NOT take chances.  

    Some make the mistake of thinking Tyson has no heart.........He may have made some bad decisions but he has always had heart.   WHO ELSE whats to Take so many shots to the chin from Razor Ruddock?  Ruddock hits harder than Holmes but Holmes is MUCH more accurate and would do more damage.  

    Larry would chip away at Tyson's armor and smother his power tools.  It would be an uneventful fight for the first 5 rounds.  Mike would become More-n-More frustrated as Larry continues to tie him up, landing his own.

    After about the 6th,  Larry would begin to open up with heavier artillary.  Tyson would be too confused to have an answer.  Larry stops him in 10.

    After a few years,  and a rematch victory over Tyson,  Tommy Morrison becomes the new threat to Holmes's title.  The press plays the "Rocky"  angle which builds the fight.   Holmes and is the older champion but still prime  (remember,  87 would put Holmes at 29.  He would be 32 -33 by the time Morrison reaches him.  

    Holmes is able to exploit "The Duke's" weaknesses and stops him in 9.  Larry would defeat Holyfield, who would not enjoy the type of success he eventually DID enjoy in the division.   Lennox would be the next mountain to climb.  Holmes wins a close one against Lewis,  who is still a bit shy of his prime.   He then retires.......................only to come back later.

  7. Man you come up with some great questions, it would have changed everything in the 80's and 90's heavyweight scene. if he came into his prime in 87', it probably means he would of fought undisputed champ mike tyson in 88', like he got his first title shot in 78'. He would beat tyson, it would of been douglas tyson two years earlier and more brutal, because larry was meaner and had killer instinct. I cant see any of the 90's heavyweights beating a young prime homles (lewis, morrison, holyfield, tua, mercer, mccall, old foreman, briggs) because old holmes fought half of them and should of won against a few (except the tyson fight obviously), if would have affected his legacy immensely, as larry would of dethroned then god-like mike tyson, and defeated everyone else, prabably until around 1995 (his real prime ended in 85', just making an estimate to make things simpler) and he prabably would lose a rematch with lennox lewis, who he would of beaten the first time in a match in the early 90's. holmes final career record would probably be something like 72-3 or 73-2, instead of 69-6

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