
If Larry Sinclair story breaks MSM will Obama kids find out through MSNBC like Palin's daughter story? Fair?

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Fair right?




  1. Yes---of course the Larry Sinclair story is fair game---this is a real issue.

    McCain/Palin '08

  2. Its not true, so there's nothing there.

    poor republicans.

  3. Larry, your story would have broken if there was an ounce of truth to it.

  4. If the Larry sinclair thing turns out to be true.

    I promise you, I will NOT support Obama.

    But until then:

    Obama/Biden 08!

  5. How did Bristol find out she was pregnant through MSNBC? If there is truth behind the Sinclair Story, then the press should be on it.

    I do believe that Sinclair lost out on over $100,000 by failing a polygraph test.  Lawrence Sinclair was convicted of “fraud” two times and investigated eight times over 25 years, for trying to secure money for “black male” charges. Two of the defendants were political figures in Illinois and Indiana. Mr.Sinclair also has an extensive record of drug convictions. The Washington Post has learned.”

  6. Larry who?  That story died before Hillary conceded.  

    Try to keep up.

  7. Nope.

    Better chance of Jeff Gannon resurfacing.

  8. Dang, they still haven't found whoever murdered Donald Young, have they?  

  9. what?? Obama's daughters shouldnt even be in on this whole thing they are way too young. But if they were don't worry. Obama wouldn't let them be "punished" by having a baby. If they ever got pregnant be would support an abortion

  10. LOL...see when a story is breaks right away.  That is why your "Larry Sinclair story" still hasn't hit the news...

  11. The Larry Sinclair thing seems like a hoax. I mean, it would be utterly devestating if it were true, but it almost seems like some sort of he said, he said thing.

    That being said, if it were true it wouldn't really be that devestating because Obama supporters are completely blind.

  12. The Larry Sinclair story has already been plastered all over the Enquirer.  The MSM has never picked it up.  

    I don't know how people can blame a parent for a teenage girl getting pregnant.  This happens in all kinds of families.  Are we to go back to the days of having a chaperon for a 17 year old's dates?

  13. Yeah like that will ever happen because all you repubtards know is fear and innuendo. Good luck trying to change the subject of McCains horrible VP pick...

  14. No, not fair, his kids shouldnt be exposed to such drama

    All of us will be laughing our asses off though ;)

  15. This is no more of a story than Bush Sr's sexual obsession of male children.... Like in Bush Sr's story Sinclair's story is ONLY collaborated by ONE person .  A crazy person.... please get more people to collaborate these stories before you waste everyone's time.

    Even the people who believe in the so-called conspiracy about George W. Bush ordering the WTC be bombed at least have a army of collaborators... and THAT is crazy.... but Sinclair has only himself to tell this story.  Why would I care and believe if a unhinged personality claims homosexual behavior with a candidate?????

    And why would I compare this to a factual story involving Palin?  Let's start being objective.

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