
If Liberal Democrats want bigger government and more social programs, should they be required to pay for them?

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Democrats are hypocrites! They want bigger government (socialism) and they want everyone else to pay for it. Why don't they pay for bigger government themselves. We don't have to change any tax rates. Let's just take away all of the income tax exemptions and deductions from these socialists and force them to pay the entire tax due on their returns.

But no!!!! These slimy democrats have to act like Conservatives on the day they do their income tax returns by claiming all of the exemptions and deductions available but the other 364 days out of the year they're slimy liberal socialists. Claiming exemptions and deductions is a conservative trait. The current democratic party, hypocrisy defined.

What do you guys think?




  1. Why should they? When they have the power to raise our taxes & force us to do it?

  2. I would love to see a new tax law that would allow people to volunteer to pay their taxes at a 20% higher rate than normal. That way the liberals could put their money where their mouth is. Do you think any of them would do it? I seriously doubt it.

  3. That's why we have a progressive tax,so the rich (supposedly) pay more of  their income(s) for the programs that serve the less fortunate.

  4. Well we do raise taxes so we do pay more for them.

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