
If Lincoln had not been assassinated and the "evils of the Reconstruction period" not befallen the South...?

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would we have avoided much of the racism and social evils that plagued the region in the 20th century?




  1. No, because many in the South would have wanted to use slave labor. This fact alone has nothing to do with Lincoln's assassination or the Reconstruction period in the South.

  2. hypotheticals are never right or wrong.

  3. Hello slaol121

    Of course, no one, including Andrew Johnson and U.S.Grant was more conciliatory, towards the "South", than Father Abraham. What ever intentions where, perhaps no policy maker could offset the tremendous amount of graft and corruption associated with the "Period of Reconstruction":It would have , likely occurred under any Democratic (or Republican) administration.

    The "Evils", as you call them, however defined were , in all likely hood, unavoidable due to the "Session States" self destructive propensity to initiate "hostilities" that they were doomed to lose. Due to the fact that each secession State forfeited It's "States' Rights" to terminate hostilities prior to 1865, in the face of the depletion of resources(including combatants) and the total dist ruction of any infrastructure that was developed before the "War". The responsibility and liability for "Reconstruction" must be owned by those that chose to create the need for it.

    Of course, none of the , now defeated administration were ever held accountable for the devastation of the South's infrastructure and human loss...In fact, many/most had memorials and tributes erected instead.

    Could it be challenged that Abra ham Lincoln was not the most ethical and conciliatory personality of the age if not ever. He paid as high a price as any and understood the personal loss and suffering of his fellow country-men(and women)

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