
If Lorries do a demonstration because of fuel why don't all car drivers do the same?

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If Lorries do a demonstration because of fuel why don't all car drivers do the same?




  1. i agree with you in theory i would gladly take part in a protest but for 1 i cant afford the extra fuel to do this or 2 the time off work to do so we are in a visious circle and not going to get any better

  2. Hi jerry,

    Good question. Perhaps if car drivers did demonstrate then lorry drivers might feel what it's like to lose work and income.

  3. Because it doesn't make sense to strike in that way. Why don't they just ALL refuse to drive for a week, or whatever and the country will be in total chaos. Blocking the roads with lorries, driving slowly gives the impression that they don't bother about wasting fuel and high fuel prices.

  4. Because a demon station serves no purpose.  The price of fuel is a product of supply and demand.  There is no Oz behind a curtain making the price at the pump go higher. There is demand push inflation due to China and India moving from mopeds to automobiles.  Watch the Beijing Olympics beginning 8-08-08 and see the street scenes of autos in that Chinese city.  It really is not a gimmick or lie that the "Big" oil companies are playing on the entire world population.  Just several hundred million more people are consume gasoline in an automobile.  Exxon Mobile is leaving the gasoline station business due to the high costs of oil that cannot be recovered by refining to gasoline.

  5. i now this is not an answer but i have been saying this for many years every body leave there cars at home for one day this would do more harm then any demonstration

  6. In conjunction with the Federation of Small Businesses - WE DID!

    It was well publicised for weeks beforehand and apart from the registered members hardly any of the general public turned up.

    And that was when petrol was heading for 90 pence/litre.

    Bit too late now really, everybody is paying the cost for being apathetic.

  7. Some do, and some motorcyclists do too, look what happened in Manchester about 3 weeks ago

  8. Yes that's a good idea.....but you find a lot of people are all talk and when it comes down to it they do nothing as usual, this is something we should all stand as one on.

  9. I will if YOU pay for the fuel!

  10. It's time motorists started there own political party

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