
If MLK, Malcom X, Bob Marley, Tupac didnt die so early how different would the black community be today???

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If MLK, Malcom X, Bob Marley, Tupac didnt die so early how different would the black community be today???




  1. well first u cant put tupac and MLK in the same catagory they were shootin for dif S**t, i dnt even think MLK would appreciate tupac and his demoralization of women and honor.... ThUg LiFe DaWg!!

  2. The only one worth mentioning here is Martin Luther King. His death had the greatest impact, and his life was the biggest modern legacy. That being said, even around the time of his death his views on Vietnam were not echoing with America the way "I have a dream" did. His popularity was fading.

    How different would the "black community" be? Probably not at all different.

  3. I think that the black community would be more structured and organized with much more responsibility for our current situation. I think that we put too much blame on external forces for failure. These men didn't place blame on the white man, but they urged us to take action against negative forces.

  4. I guess the swamp ninjas would have one less thing to ***** about

  5. I think that those people are still alive in spirit and that their words echo through our consciousness every day.  

    Dont listen to those who discount Malcolm X and Tupac because of their "controversial" views and words, they are as much a part of the black experience as the kinder gentler words of MLK and Marley.

    I dont think the world would be much different if they had lived longer, their messages (hopefully) wouldnt have changed too much.  They said what they needed to say and people would still choose to listen or not (just like the people answering this question).

    One thing I WILL SAY is that the "powers that be" are much happier that those men arent around.  An empowered people is not what the government wanted or want to this day.

    Great question....and great men.  RIP.

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