
If Manmade Global Warming is "Proven" then why hasn't anyone collected the prize offered by

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It seems like an easy $500,000 for people who are convinced that man made global warming exists.




  1. Because man made global warming doesn't exist. Some of these people posting are obviously fools who blindly believe that the far left are all about saving cute animals. There is an entire industry based around this latest climate scare (there is one every 30 years or so, either warming or cooling).

    The global warming religion likes to use the National Academy of Science report as their bible, but this is bias and funded by special interest groups. Look carefully at the facts. For example, it states that temperatures have risen 1.4 degrees since the beginning of the 20th century. This is true. However, temps have NOT increased in the last 10 years. You'll notice that, in the 2008 report, none of the graphs contain data past 2000... sketchy, huh? It's because this defies the rising temp theory.

    Even though the polar bears have now been put on the endangered species list, it is because they changed the rules. The population has actually tripled in the last 30 years. It's the reason that the governor of Alaska is now suing the federal government.

    Furthermore, the ice shelfs are the among the highest seen in 30 years. Carbon dioxide is actually a good thing. The list goes on and on for evidence to the contrary of man made global warming, but there is no irrefutable evidence that it does exist.

    No matter what environmentalists say (or how they say it), there is no evidence that man is causing global warming. They will use sleight of hand to try and get you, but don't be a sucker. For example, notice how NO commercials say anything about "global warming" anymore? The use the words "climate change" now. That's because environmentalists realize that time is becoming limited on this scare, but they can use the words "climate change" and keep us afraid that we're going to die, whether it be from warming, cooling, etc.

    A link that'll get you started on your education (not funded by any special interest groups):

    For your own good, the good of the nation, and yes, the planet, you should be VERY skeptical. Look carefully at the facts and the language. Environmentalists are not always keeping the green of nature in mind. There is a lot of money to be made in this hugely expanding industry.

    Even if you are someone who will never believe that global warming doesn't exist, think about this... it will cost 29 trillion dollars to fight this threat of sketchy (and special interest funded) "science" along with ruin our economy. Know how much it will take to feed the entire human population for the next 100 yrs? 7 trillion.

    Still think we should be making public policies and spend all that money? Then do one thing for me before you call your local congressman: Name one thing that the government hasn't screwed up.

  2. Because $500,000 is peanuts to the Billions of Tax dollars being spent in the name of research.

    How can anyone conclude that science has proven Global Warming is at the fault of Mankind?

    Roman period, Minoan Period, Medieval Period all had greater warming trend then that we are facing today.

    Notice how alarmists cling to Trees as the only converters of Carbon Dioxide? The raping of the Rainforests, blah blah.

    Take into consideration that after trees have been harvested, plant life takes over the vacated areas. Those plants consume the same carbon dioxide.

  3. As has been pointed out, there are 2 reasons this challenge is rigged.

    1) You can't "prove" a theory, just disprove it.  Just like you can't prove evolution, you can't prove man-made global warming.  What you can have is overwhelming supporting evidence, which is the case for both theories.

    2) Junkscience gets to decide when it's "proven".  Do you really think this grossly biased website would ever make such an admission?

  4. Man-made global warming hasn't been proven yet. They can only prove correllation, but not causation so it means nothing.

  5. Because the sole judge of what is proof is.....

    the guy at junkscience (a very aptly named site).

    It would be like evolution.  No matter what scientific proof is offered, the new earth creationist says "God faked that".  The guy at junkscience will say every last scientist in the world is lying, no matter what proof is offered.

    The data clearly proves man made global warming.  There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good enough for every major world leader, regardless of their politics.  Not good enough for the guy at junkscience.

  6. Could be because warmers only want to hurt other people, they are not interested in the truth.  

    They enjoy the power of making the earth uglier with windmill farms and giant solar panel farms.  Driving up fuel and food costs.  With the increase in transportation cost, now buying anything will be harder for working people.

    Warmers openly celebrate when working people have to suffer more to overcome the damage they cause.  Like the closing of GM plants.

    The fact that they never apologize for the damage they cause is evidence they enjoy it.  Like the deforestation cause by their biofuel (read food to fuel) idea.

  7. Rules 2 & 4 effectivly give them an out no mater what is submitted, it just another stunt.

    The fact is is a subset of the Cato institute which was funded by Exxon, they have cut funding of groups like Cato, even if there ever was 500,000 there won't be now.

    They will of course say they couldn't find anyone who could prove GW, and will then use this as proof there is no GW, in effect making their own evidence, nothing new really!

  8. Good one!

    Thanks for that, you've made my day.

    I think it's brilliant what these guys have done.

    Obviously no one could ever prove a myth is true, but you can certainly convince a lot of gullible people otherwise.

  9. I am waiting for the contest to end and collect the prize. I have submitted the science behind man made global warming.

    Go to the website and read the the Thermografix Submission called Save Al Gore.

    Junk science may be a meteorologist, they are still blind to what is designed on the surface of the planet and they aren't qualified to state otherwise. If they are an architect and a meteorologist, I would look forward to talking with them.

    Solar radiation and the same UV that burn our skin is causing building exteriors to generate extreme heat the building isn't insulated for. Go to the following link to see what we are doing to cause global warming. Massive heat dumps atmospherically contributes to lower air pressure and that changes weather.

    It isn't just about global warming, it is about toxic emissions and toxic newborns with a toxicity ratio of 100% Go to and scroll down to the picture of the fetus where you can link to the study on polluted newborns.

    Academia couldn't see the temperatures in their calculators. temperature measurement has evolved and Thermografix has spent years to qualify it. Looking forward to hearing from Junkscience.

  10. No one can "prove" AGW - at least not to the satisfaction of those unwilling to accept that change is necessary. You see, no one can "prove" that I am going to die. All of the evidence to date points to that fact but not one scientist, entrepreneur, politician or religious leader can provide irrefutable proof. I might just be the first person with an "infinity gene".

  11. See rule #3:

    ", in its sole discretion, will determine the winner"

    In other words, it's rigged.  They could put the same challenge out for the theory of evolution, and not have to worry about paying out anything.

    Science doesn't prove anything, science disproves theories and hypothesis and what's left over (i.e. what matches the observed data and has some predictive abilities) becomes the accepted theory.

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