
If Manu Ginobili didn't get hurt during the USA/Argentina game...?

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Would Argentina had won?




  1. If this, if that ... who knows. If he hadn't got hurt, maybe he would have had another calamity later. It is not for us to know ... all we can say is he did get hurt, Argentina did lose.

  2. Your question is wrong. The real question should be:

    If Manu Ginobili was consummately healthy would Argentina won the Olympics?

    Answer: We saw what the Spain did, Argentina has stronger roster than Spain is, unfortunately, injuries haunted them. Bottom line, they would have beaten the USA in their consummately healthy roster.

  3. nope. the outcome would be the same. but the margin might be lessen or might become bigger. with manu's driving and passing skills, he'll certainly be able to create open opportunities for argentina. the reason why they'll still lose is because the usa team has a bunch of perimeter defenders that can interchange in terms of guarding manu. but argentina's offense certainly will become predictable once manu gets hot cause they'll certainly keep feeding him the ball, which in effect would cause team usa to concentrate and collapse on him, making them commit more turnovers as team usa is good at intercepting forced passes during tight situations, which will likely blow these team out.

  4. If Manu Ginolili didn't get hurt .. then USA wouldn't sleep on them like they did in 2nd quarter ...

    and USA might have won larger margin

    They were leading by 21 in 1st quarter ...If Manu was so great .. why did they lose to Greece ?

  5. Even though i love Manu i still don't think they would have won

  6. h**l NO!! Only trouble the the U.S.A. had during the Olympics was Spain in the Gold Medal Game. The U.S.A was there to redeem.

  7. if wishes were fishes...

  8. Nope. Ginobolli was actually making USA win if u watch the match inm the 1st quater. plus stop making the execuse. like one of the aregtina guard said. plus u dont see us whining when we didnt have stoudemire or KG

  9. NO

  10. Wow aregentina does not have a stronger roster than spain.. .All they is 3 players, Nocioni, Scola and Ginobili... Spain has Calderon, Gasol brothers, Ricky Rubio, Rudy fernandez, come on man you serious?

    And for the question, They still would have lost because Kobe would have shut Ginobili down just like he did in the playoffs

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