I am 25 and tried it for the first time about a month ago. I don't think I got high from it but I'm not sure if I inhaled it right either...
Anyway..., from what I've heard the effects of MJ aren't as bad as what alcohol can do to you. So why is alcohol legal and MJ not?
If MJ were to suddenly become legal, but we enforced similar applied rules to the drug such as not using it on the job, and not using it on the streets, and not letting minors use it, and not smoking and driving. Would there be any more MJ related problems then we already have for alcohol related problems.
Personally I find cigarette smoking to be disgusting, and never ever plan to try one. The idea of smoking a joint I didn't find all that appealing either, and if there wasn't so much mystery surrounding it, being illegal and all, I probably wouldn't have tried it.
Also if you would include your age while answering this question, I would appreciate it :).