
If Mars is now able to live, where would you choose to live? Earth or Mars?

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If Mars is now able to live, where would you choose to live? Earth or Mars?




  1. Definitely Mars. New life, a new adventure, new beginning!

  2. If I had the choice, I would definitely live on Mars. The weaker gravity by itself would be awesome. I could jump so much higher :) It'd also just be cool to be a pioneer for the human species to another world, and be able to look up in the sky for the pale blue dot we call home.

  3. Hoew about my planet? Nixxon is way better than Earth but it is located in NGC 4414 galaxy in the Coma Berenices constelation....You'll never get to see it,lol

  4. Mars man.......

  5. You mean if a giant alien terraforming machine under the face of Mars was shown to us by Martian bigfoot? Being a pioneer for humanity would be nice but life would still be hard after moving to Mars despite a livable environment. I'm split down the middle, but I think I'm leaning toward Mars.

  6. Earth... Whatever it is Earth is the heaven. But i do like to visit Mars

  7. Mars if Hussein-Obama gets in.

    Or if g*y marriage becomes widespread.

  8. Well, if they keep experimenting with the Hadron Collider on Earth, then I'm packing my bags, bringing my pets and buying a ticket to Mars!

    There are several ways to increase the atmospheric pressure on Mars. The beauty of it all is that the more people, farm animals, furry creatures and mammals on any given planet, the more water vapor, methane and CO2 they add! So farms, restaurants and bakeries will be a necessity on Mars.

    First, large craters would be filled with water, iron sulfate and phytoplankton. Thru photosynthesis, Oxygen and CCNs (cloud condensation nuclei) would form. Since there is so much dust on the Martian surface, clouds should readily form once sufficient water vapor is in the atmosphere. (Greenhouses would be used to grow grass and food simultaneously.). This will also solve the problems with dust storms on Mars, a big impediment.

    Using jackhammers, the ground would be broken up and compost can be added to create topsoil for grass plantings. Once water is added, natural weathering of rocks will create topsoil when the ground is continuously heated and frozen over time. Earthworms are added for natural burrowing and aeration of the soil.

    Outgassing of CO2 and other chemical elements can occur by creating artificial geysers by drilling holes into the ground and adding water and sodium (Na).

    Farm animals, chickens, ducks, as well as squirrels, gerbils, lorises, lemurs, weasels, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc. can help enrich the atmosphere-- exponentially--because all creatures, humans included, which respire aerobically, produce water and CO2 as the 2 primary byproducts of aerobic respiration. They also produce methane gas which also breaks down into water vapor and CO2 over time.

    Aerobic Respiration:

    C6H12O6 + oxygen --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP (energy)

    Urine breaks down into ammonia, a form of nitrogen. No need to water trees and grass since the animals will urinate on them, while animal droppings fertilize the soil.

    A food dispenser with a specially formulated universal animal feed will ensure that these animals are thriving. Salt licks and water dispensers will quench their thirst. They'll also learn that by pressing a lever, food falls out and water drips out.

    A cow can serve as the surrogate mother to bring the frozen embryos of a lamb, pig and goat to term--at least the 1st generation of farm animals. Once conditions are more earth-like normal animal husbandry can take place.

    Planting beans--and there are hundreds of varieties of beans-- will introduce nitrogen into the atmosphere thru nitrogen fixation. When the animals urinate on trees and grass, it not only waters it but urine breaks down into nitrogen also.

    A Tesla coil or tower will invite lightning and stimulate rain.

    Cooking with methane, propane and butane produces water vapor and CO2. Use a Fischer Tropsch reactor to make these fuels.


    Propane C3H8 + 5 O2 --> 3 CO2 + 4 H2O

    Aerobic Respiration:

    C6H12O6 + oxygen --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy

    Of course, all of this is only possible if we stick a Superconducting Ring (ranging from 4 to 14 Tesla, depending on the amount of iron/nickel is in the core to begin with) into Mars to create a magnetic field to repel "cosmic" radiation. Growing an atmosphere protects us from x-ray and gamma radiation. Alternatively, a molten liquid iron-nickel-cobalt dynamo can be created because the surface of Mars is so rich in iron. The melting furnace would be fired up with some sodium (Na) and water. Sodium fires cannot be put out with water only with chemicals, so it's a good fuel.

  9. earth...mars would be a nice place to visit, but i wouldn't want to live there

  10. I like to be in Earth,but I would like to have a tour to Mars

  11. Well when earth will be to heavy(over populated) before that i would go on the mars.

  12. I'd rather stay on Earth.

  13. mars.. i hate this disgusting planet

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