
If Massage Therapy helps people feel better, don't you think insurance should help cover the expense.?

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I wonder if there has ever been some type of focus group to see how much massage therapy has helped people. If not but cured people especially the elderly because of such therapy.




  1. Massage helps a great deal, if someone is able to get a doctor to say they need Massage Therapy then insurance will cover it. It is slowly becoming more recognized for the many benefits it does do for the body.

  2. Depends on which insurance company and what plan. I know some do cover massage, although many don't take it because reimbursement is 1/4 of what therapists charge.

  3. well you can go to a chiropractor and they can refer you to a massage therapist, your insurance should cover that.

  4. depends

  5. Depends on the Insurance Company . If referred to massage therapy by the doctor, there's no reason why this shouldn't be covered by the insurance......depending on the Plans and Terms and Conditions, of course.

  6. Some insurance companies actually do cover massage therapy since it has been found to reduce stress and lead to more productive and healthy living. Stress is a great cause of disease in the body and preventative medicines are becoming more popular with insurance and health providers.

    The longer the body goes the harder it is to repair the damage, part of the problem remains in the fact the most "healthy people" do not see a doctor we go to see them when we are in distress so they have nothing to compare with

  7. Well there are two sides to the issue really.  Some states like here in WA they do cover massage but it is for only when you are injured or sick just like other coverage.

    It is not whether it helps people or not - it does and the research is proving it.

    The thing is that the insurance companies treat providers like dirt and don't pay very well for the most part.  Then they do things like pay a certain amount for half the year and then decide they were paying too much and make providers pay it back.  Most massage therapists are self employed very small businesses and are not equipped to deal with such things.

    Health insurance is only meant to cover your body when things go wrong - just like car insurance only covers you when you are in a wreck.  Taking care of yourself which should include massage should be the individuals responsibility and not health insurance companies.

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