
If Max Mosley thinks that his wife and family have totally devastated and humiliated by the News of the World?

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how does he manage to absolve himself from blame?

His family knew nothing of his extra curricula S&M interests until the News of the World reported its story in March - saying that he had been involved in n**i role play games. I don't know if there were n**i connotations or not, but his defense seems based on his right to privacy, which is very different than presumably he's miffed that his Mrs has found out about his games and this is causing him quite a bit of grief at home. Its not that he's been labled as a n**i.

I'm not a fan of the red tops. But I think in this case, this callous man has brought this case to court at great expense in the hope that he can get damages that he thinks will somehow make it up to his poor wife who knew nothing of his cheating ways for over 45 years.

If Mosley wins it will make a mockery of any moral justice in this country. Do you agree?




  1. A strange case. However uneasy we may feel about him as a person, it will be only just that he wins the case. The law should find against the News of the World.

  2. It's funny really, he's created a lot more publicity about his sexual proclivities by suing than if he'd just left it alone and apologised to his family in private.

  3. I'm afraid I don't agree.

    Firstly I know nothing about the state of Mr Moseley's marriage. Secondly, all parties were consentual. Thirdly, if he LOSES, I think it will make a mockery of moral justice in this country.

    It will be saying that you and your partner could have consentual s*x and if a tabloid newspaper manages to film it but believe it newsworthy for ANY reason ( you may be a teacher and they print a photo of you with the headline "She may teach YOUR child with that mouth!!"), they can publish it and claim it's for the good of the nation.

    I think the tabloids (and paparazzi in general) should have some bloody lines drawn.

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