
If Maya Karin and i was caught basah by JAIS, would that mean Maya have to married me

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If Maya Karin and i was caught basah by JAIS, would that mean Maya have to married me




  1. normally for Muslim couple were caught basah/khalwat by Islamic Authorities ,they will marry..

  2. No, because you're not Muslim

  3. That could not be happened...

    Maya Karin will be other's wife lorr....



  4. that women need deodorant!

  5. maya karin dont want to have kids with ur face.heheheh

  6. Maya Karin would get in a big trouble, but not you, ur not a Muslim, I dun think u can even marry her according to the Islamic Laws..

  7. Maya Karin will cekik you bcoz she is a pontianak!

  8. If you were to be caught 'basah' with Maya Karin, it means that you are one lucky dude.

    As for the marrying part, am not too sure her foreign beau will be too happy bout that.

  9. You will be convicted for an offence so called Khalwat or close proximity by the syariah court first. Your case will be highlighted Headlines in the local newspapers and you will be very happy to receive instant recognition nationwide. As for the marriage, it is between you and Maya Karin and out of court settlement later.

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