
If McCain's VP pic is so qualified, how come no one knew who she was 3 days ago?

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If McCain's VP pic is so qualified, how come no one knew who she was 3 days ago?




  1. Because you were not paying attention. The left and their media was mesmerized by Obama mania.

    Palin runs a state and was actually doing things that changed and helped the people of Alaska. She started the Multi billion dollar Gas pipeline that is providing thousands of jobs. A forward looking project that will one day provide natural gas to the lower 48. When ever the Democrats allow drilling. Got the State Congress house and senate to pass her energy bill that saves Alaskans money in their utilities. She is doing it with surpluses that she made. She cut taxes and refunded taxes.. Finally Unlike Obama She actually has visited the troops in Lanstuhl hospital in Germany back in 2007.

    Obama the legislator votes, mostly voting Present 95% of the time. I can do that. His actual work time in the Senate, 143 days. He changed nothing in bettering the lives of citizens of Illinois. Zero! Got one bill passed that was giving money to Kenya.

    I know the Obamabots want badly for the experience thing to go away. Biden was supposed to take care of that but sorry, It is still there. Obama is the one that is supposed to be up to bat first and he ain`t ready. In fact our VP is more ready than him.

  2. If you were a conservative,whom really followed politics,you'd know her.Since you don't,why would it bother you?

  3. I was talking about her in my speculation with friends two months ago. Simply because of all of the Republican Governors, she is both conservative and female. As for only being a governor for only two years, Obama has been a Senator for four years and and has spent two of them running for President; and he is the Presidential candidate whereas Palin is the Vice-Presidential candidate.

  4. This woman was a mayor of a town of 9,000 a couple of years ago, and is now Governor of the one state that is most out of touch with the rest of our nation, and McCain has chosen her to be a heart beat away from a major world leader?  This is down right scarey!  What does he think qualifies her, being runner up for Miss Alaska I suppose.  In reality she was chosen as a token for political purposes and this is very offensive to me as a woman.  This just tells me how shallow this man is, does he honestly think he will earn the female vote just because he has chosen a woman as his running-mate?   Sorry Johnny, I am a woman, and I also have a brain, and apparently more common sense than you have.

  5. Anyone he picked , you wouldn't have known.

  6. Apparently,he didn't either. They only met once before he told her that he was considering her. Just adds more proof that he's using her political purposes.

  7. my point exactly.

  8. That's the Republicans for you.

  9. No one bothered to research her.  No one thought she'd ACTUALLY get the call.  McCain barely knows this woman!  He just wanted a wow factor.

  10. If she was elected governor of our largest state, someone apparently heard of her.  The brainwashed masses who have been worshipping at the Altar of Obamanation have probably been too mesmerized by the oratory to look around and see who else was there.  I hope you stay mesmerized until after the election.  

  11. People who pay attention to politics knew who she was.  The people who can't even name the current VP of the US or their US Senator probably did not.  Some people take the time to be informed, others read People magazine and watch Oprah and use those sources to make their choices.

  12. LETS  busy being a hockey mom... and fight off scandals??? coaching a lil basketball.. you know all that stuff people do who are going to be nominated for VP...

    Hec I am a mom of 3, college student to pre-k.. was a volleyball mom.. two degrees in social sciences.. Pick me McCain.. hec I can do it...  


    I have all I need to qualify right HERE!!

    Sarah McPlain.

    And guys can't identify most of your presidents on your own currency...who would you "know" anyhow.  

    What kills me is what you SETTLE for!!!

  14. Gov Pallin has been doing her job quietly and efficiently without fan fare or self promotion. She's been working on doing the best job possible as governor and not pitching for another job.

  15. because 75% of the people who are voting don't know anything about anything.  she's a sitting governor of an American state.  if you don't know who she is, then perhaps you shouldn't be arguing politics.

  16. McCain's VP pick is about as qualified as a cactus.

  17. She was busy looking after one of the smallest state economies in America.

    In her defence...who in the contiguous US pays much attention to what goes on in Alaska?

  18. Element of surprise


  19. You mean she never had her own sitcom? Wasn't a football star? Serial killer to the stars? Hair-weaver? Preferred nail-biter for Carpenter's Local-4023?

    Surely she made Lassie's Dog-Saddles!


    Well then, send that nobody a-packin!


  20. Funny I still don't know who Obama is, or what he has ever done.

  21. Alaska...

  22. She was living in one McCain's many houses and he could not remember which one until Friday morning.

  23. Thankyou :-)

  24. Did you know who Barack obama was 3 days before he announced his presidential bid??  I bet not.  

  25. because the media was whoring romneyromneyromney

  26. All you hear from Republicans is that she has "executive" experience for being Governor of Alaska (population less than 700,000) for less than years. Wait! Lets not forget she was a mayor of the huge metropolis called Wasilla, Alaska (pop. 8,000).  Give me a break.

  27. That was before she polished his sword!

  28. WRONG!  It is probably accurate to say that 99% of conservatives who follow the political scene knew who she was, and of her achievements.

  29. You have just made a very compelling point.

    Obama-Biden -08

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