
If McCain's choice does not poll well, will he drop her from the ticket?

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If McCain's choice does not poll well, will he drop her from the ticket?




  1. Nuh-uh! He got to keep her now. No take-backs.

    I thought Romney would be a rock on a rope...but this is like Christmas morning.

  2. Senator McCain will have do this if the polls say he will lose the election.

  3. he cant do that...

  4. Yes, I do hope he doesn't call her the C-word.

  5. That would be a horrid move.

    However, maybe she'll just resign in the method of many higher ups of the Bush/Cheney years.

  6. no. she seems very likable, which is ,unfortunately, what americans put before the issues.

  7. No, because if he did drop her, he knows it would be a sure loss in November.

  8. Yes he's already demonstrated he has no qualms about dropping a woman at the drop of a hat.

    Just ask his first wife!

  9. No. The numbers will not drop, they will RISE. McCain and Palin will be our next President and Vice President. I think he made an EXCELLENT choice of VP. He is very wise to choose her to balance out the ticket.

    Women who voted for Hillary and other women would love to see a woman in office who is smart and down to earth and that is what Sarah Palin is. They will be up against a ticket of 2 "good old boys" on the democratic side...and this good old boy system of corrupt politics has gone on much too long. We need a woman up to voice the concerns of women who are 50% of the population.

    McCain's choice shows that McCain WILL give women a chance to get ahead, whereas Obama just wants to stick with the "good old boys" system of politics. Sarah Palin is also young and pretty and this will help go up against a system of people voting for youth and looks and charisma...but she is SMART too. She also has very little negative "baggage" that they can attack and has a son in the military who is going to Iraq in Nov. and 4 other children. She worked her way up in politics from city councilwoman to mayor to governor, so she has experience in politics, unlike Obama who has less than one term in the senate.

    McCain/Palin '08!!

    Just say no to Obamanation and the "good old boys" corrupt politics!!

  10. Sarah Palin is a great choice.  The announcement of Mrs. Palin as McCain's VP totally upstaged all of Mr. Obama's theatrical sideshow in Denver, since Mrs. Palin represents REAL change.  Obama is now running scared.   His campaign is already lying about Sarah Palin.  It looks like Obama is afraid of strong, competent women.  He didn't pick Hillary as his VP.

  11. Of course not.  That would make him look dumber than he already does.

  12. Anything is possible, it's a wait & see after people are more informed.

    Lets stop talking about uteruses & kids Wori67.

  13. No, if she doesn't poll well it would really suck for McCain.  Personally, I think its a terrible choice.  I prefer Obama, but if McCain does win would have liked him to have a VP that is an expert in the economy.  

  14. The Liberals are in panic mode

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