
If McCain's weakness is the economy why did he choose Palin?

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Alaska has had the weakest job growth in years under her watch.




  1. Yes that might be but look what she has done with wasteful govt spending in Alaska.

    Besides, there are cabinet posts to fill.

  2. His other weakness is that he is a p**s-poor strategist.

  3. If Alaska has such a bad economy then why is she the most popular Governor of the 50 states.

    She has an 80% approval rating.

  4. Because she comes from a big oil state, and her hubby works for BP.

    Follow the money.

  5. HaHaHaHa,, ok  who did he REALLY pick?

  6. What is a weakness to McCain is still 1000 times stronger than anything obama or his dems come up with..

  7. She has fought the corruption and wasteful spending in Alaska.  Now if she get to open Alaska for drilling and natural gas, as she wants to, it will fix the job growth problem.  It is kind of hard to try to blame her for congresses actions.

  8. because Palin has nice shock value, stir things up..

    too bad it wears out after 48 hours when the real questions are asked...

  9. But, what if the economy isn't McCain's weakness?

  10. Because McCain's biggest weakness is not the economy; its running for president.

  11. Because McCain thinks his weakness is votes.  

  12. You're making a mistake if you think a VP is chosen to strengthen a weakness.  If a candidate picks a running mate to shore up weakness, that itself is a weakness.

    A smart candidate is comfortable with what got them there and is looking for a running mate that compliments his/her strength.  Sure, shoring up a base is nice, but not always necessary.  Senator McCain isn't running as much on the economy as he is foreign affairs and energy.  Considering Alaska's geography, the governor, regardless of who it is, routinely deals with Canada and Russia on issues like fishing rights, trade, oil, and transportation.   He's also put Senator Biden in the position of having to defend the Democrats energy policy which is not his strength.

    It's a brilliant move disguised as a mistake.

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