
If McCain became President and something happens to him, would you want Sarah Palin to be Commander and Chief?

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Sarah Palin as commander in Chief, if something happens to McCain.




  1. Heaven forbid such a person be in control of the United States. She doesn't show good judgement. She doesn't have a clue to foreign relations. We should be terrified she would have her hand on the button. Did you know she is a creationist? I find that a bit extremist. I mean, I know she doesn't try to push for such nonsense in schools, but to have someone believe in such irrational concepts and have control over the free world is pure nightmare.

    This link is the activity of Sara Palin on the day she broke water with her latest child. Please read it carefully. Does that read like someone acting rationally? See, either Mrs. Palin is so shallow and politically motivated, she'd risk the life of her baby to attend an out of state speech, or she just doesn't show much good judgement:

    I say give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's just does not have good judgement. I can't believe she'd be so callous to put her career before her child.

  2. Do not worry, Obama is going to be the next president.

  3. this nation is so screwed up anyway    whats the difference

  4. h**l no! not looking psycho like this:

    Follow this link...proves that this ***** is psycho

  5. Lord help us. I don't like either of the candidates, and before now I never heard of this Sarah person.

    Biden is two-faced. Palin I know nothing about, except she lacks experience. They all do.

    So, no, I really wouldn't want to see her become Commander and Chief. I don't think any of the women in politics in a really high position (i.e. Clinton, Palin) are capable of running a country, and at the current point in time, I don't think they should be running a country, especially with a war going on.

  6. the biggest problem is not the N2 in the ticket of the Republicans but the N1 of the Democrats like Obama.......even senator Biden said Obama is NOT qualified!

  7. If McCain became President, I would hope he would have to step down as quickly as possible.  I personally only like him on Saturday Night Live.  She unfortunately seems to me as a figurehead anyway.

  8. Sure, I don't have a problem with strong women...

    Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

    And if J Biden's so good why such a poor showing in the D Primaries?!? Rejected, damaged goods???

  9. Sarah Palin as commander in Chief ,could she be any worse than Bush?

    1 MAROON

  10. I would feel very comfortable with Sarah Palin at the helm, more so than if it was Obama for sure!

  11. It would be as good as having Barack Obama as Commander in Chief.

  12. I like her. She is not afraid to tell her party no. I hate pansy politicians that are scared to go against their own even at the sake of their integrity. Obama and McCain could learn a little from her.  

  13. Palin can be President, and d**k Cheney can be her VP.  

  14. She is very appealing, but NO

  15. Yes

  16. as long as shes vice president if any president dies the vice president automatically becomes the new president.

  17. Yes.  It would be the only thing that would follow the constitution.

  18. Yeah. I really hope she runs for president in 2012 or 2016. She has my vote, unless she does something absolutely horrible, like mixing plaids with polka dots.

  19. h**l NO!!!!  McCain really messed up with his v.p. pick. Obama need to go shopping to pick out a suit to wear to his inauguration.

  20. I would trust her judgement and follow her well before doing so for either Obama or Biden.  She has demonstrated effective leadership.  The other two have just demonstrated politics and posturing.

  21. no but that wouldn't happen duh the vice president would become president and commander in cheif of the us military

  22. I don't think that anyone who has 2 yrs of experience in Politics has any right to be President/Vise President...anyway, I have nothing against a woman being in office..more power to her, but i would not vote for McCain....Nor will I vote for Barack...Do not trust any of them!!

  23. shes even more experienced than obama, so having obama be president would be worse.

  24. Yes Yes Yes.  From what I have seen and heard, I love her.  She is just what this country needs.

  25. I would be scared to death  

  26. Of course not. She would have been the laughing stock of the primaries had she ran for president. The republicans never would have voted for her.

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