
If McCain becomes president....?

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Which country should I move to. I'm thinkin Canada . Whats your opinion . Maybe Australia but thats kinda far.




  1. lol.

    i would go to australia.

    its so beautiful.

    i hope to live there one day.

    nakad beaches.

    beautiful tanned blondes.

    [[i mean guys]]

    lol. well i meant both guys and girls.

    canada seems nice but idkk.

    its to close to the united states.

    and maybe you might need

    to be far away.

  2. Move to Canada or New Zealand. Quickly. Canada is almost like America I think and New Zealand has a lot of funny tv shows. I'm not sure if that's a reason to move there, but it's good enough for me. It's actually farther away from America than Australia is I guess but I would still consider it. Canada and New Zealand have low violence level. If I could, I would move there so I could get their accent.

    Oh, you mean vacation! Then still go to Canada or New Zealand.

  3. Go to Denmark, I was watching a show the other day that said they are the happiest country. Let me know how it is, I may move there too.

  4. He might not win yet.

    I don't know if a democrat administration would be any better.  Clinton bombed Serbia.  And before that, in another war, Kennedy went into Vietnam first.

    And then all the liberals held their student protests, after their brainwashers had got the ball rolling in the first place.

  5. Pakistan

  6. Just leave - this cannot be a serious question. If John McCain wins, stay right where you are. Now on the other hand, if Obama wins, I'm leaving and I'm going to the Bahamas

  7. Well, you most-likey arn't going to move.  You're just saying that to show angst against republicans.

  8. i'm eighteen and probably not going anywhere anytime soon. but i will be seriously disappointed if he wins. i want to be proud of my country but it's just so hard sometimes.

  9. You'll probably need to move to the moon or Mars. Because if McCain wins , the old warmonger, this whole world will be engulfed in thermonuclear flames. It will be the end of the world as we know it - if McCain wins.

  10. I asked the same thing. I suggested moving to Canada. If Mccain becomes president America won't be here due to him picking fights with every asian country to get back at his capturers in Vietnam

  11. i'm a strong conservative, but i dont like him either, but believe me it will be worse if barack o-boom boom wins

  12. Yeah but I hear internet is REALLY expensive there.

    I say move to China.

  13. canada... Nice health care

  14. A John  McCain Presidency will be very good.

    John McCain takes his policies from Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

    A John McCain Presidency will look like the Presidency of John Kennedy and that was very good.

    Barack Obama has chosen Jimmy Carter as his mentor and has copied Jimmy Carter's old failed economic policies and is presenting those policies as his own.

    A Barack Obama Presidency will be as miserable and disastrous as Jimmy Carter's Presidency.

    Another bonus of a John McCain win in 2008 is Hillary Clinton can run again in 2012.

    Hillary Clinton will beat John McCain in 2012. Hillary Clinton will then recreate the wonderful economy that she and Bill first created when Bill Clinton was President.

    The economy that Bill and Hillary Clinton created was the best economy that we have had in the history of the United States of America.

  15. isle of man - no taxes and no speeding limits - heaven??

  16. You really need to think about this question before you ask it.

    If you value freedom you might want to take some time to learn about the country that you currently live in, before thinking about another to move to.

  17. yeah, Canada is nice.

  18. Somewhere overseas..see ya!

  19. Every 4 years we have a new election.  Americans historically have fought for their country....if you leave because of a stupid election, well, that's just nuts.

  20. Pakistan.  Particularly the western mountains... I think you'll find a lot of your spiritual brethren there.

  21. Come on up and try it, The border is always close

    See what freedom really is!

  22. I would suggest Costa Rica, you get all the benefits of living in central america along with the services you're accustomed to.  Costa Rica has a tremendous number of US ex-patriots so you'll find many others like yourself.

    I'd suggest moving before the election or you might add Guantanamo Bay Cuba to your possibility list...

  23. If McCain becomes president there will be a shift from an all volunteer armed forces to a mandatory service. He was in Vietnam and there was a draft it was a war that we tried to win and I think he's haunted by the past. He thinks a stronger armed forces needs to be allot larger than it is right now. He said so before the war started. Now the troops are worn out by the constant barrage of tour after tour in Iraq and Afghanistan soon Iran will be added to this list. There is no other way to provide as many troops that will be needed for a new conflict. How many wars can we fight ,North Korea, Pakistan, protecting Israel from the Arabs or Taiwan from China. What about the Nuclear issue? Where will it all end?  McCain desperately wants to win wars but needs more troops.

  24. You give the president too much power. McCain or Obama can only do so much good and so much damage. I wish people realized this.

    All the blame for the war or economy isn't on Bush, but it's an easy person to name. Our congressmen and senators are to blame. As for the privacy stuff, I blame bush for asking and the supreme court for going with it.

    The president isn't king. Should obama win, he can't wave his hand and fix things any more than McCain or Hillary or Bush or Bill Clinton.

  25. bye

  26. Once you get over the Maori bullsh*t and the rediculously high gas prices... New Zealand is nice.

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