
If McCain croaks do you really want this woman to be president?

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Let's try to be a little objective here.




  1. I am ready for a woman president, but not Sarah Palin,  She is way too right wing, basically George Bush in a dress

  2. I find the posted reply about "big oil" rather funny..the truth is that Palin advocates oil and natural gas..the same as Obama. Palins plan would be getting both at the same time..since the oil and natural gas are in the  same place! a large pipeline, provideing many many jobs. I'll  take my chance with her before I would Obama..something about becoming a socialist nation just does not sit right with me..did you miss Michelles speech( referring to the first time she heard Obama speak)...."...He spoke of the world as it is..and the world as it should be"..worlds diectly out of a Saul Alinsky book! if you are unaware of who he is..I'd suggest you google it!

  3. The Democratic Ticket is BACKWARDS

    The Democrats are hiring an Office Clerk to run a Company & a CEO to assist the Office Clerk

    Voting for Obama as President ( NOT Vice-President ) is like taking your car to a transmission repair shop where you are told " Don't Worry....we have assigned our LEAST experienced mechanic to work on your car "

    Plain is a GOVERNOR who has INFINITELY MORE ACCOMPLISHMENTS than junior senator Obama who has none

  4. Yes, I do.

  5. no I wouldnt want to see this

  6. Well i would vote for her over Obama anyway. At least she has done something that helps her people and she has actually accomplished something.  

  7. WHAT! ANOTHER BIG OIL OIL PRESIDENT? WHEN ARE WE GONNA LEARN? I do agree with drilling in ANWAR, however.

  8. Yes.  Based on what she has done in Alaska, I think she'd be our best president since Reagan.

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