
If McCain dies in office...?

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and after a few days it becomes clear that Palin doesn't know what is necessary to be prez, even with advisors, do you think the Republicans will rewrite the Constitution (again) to appoint someone else?

Just answer the question and don't insult Obama please.




  1. Well George Bush didn't exactly know what was necessary to be President, why would Republicans change things now?

  2. If McCain dies in office, by the 25th Amendment Palin would be President and she would nominate a Vice-President that would have to bee confirmed by Congress...not only the Senate...and the Democrats are going to gain control of Congress again...

    It would be very difficult for the Republicans to rewrite the Constitution.

    It is very difficult, although not impossible, the amend the Constitution

  3. well Palin would be like 50x better in office than obama!

  4. well thats what happens when you are ignorant and think Obama is a Muslim Terrorist.

  5. I think it would be a good idea, (in a way), but I think they wouldn't do that.

  6. No, I do not...

  7. Palin has been Governor of the State of Alaska for a while hon.She  didn't get there by being ignorant and stupid.Obama has LESS experience running a political position than Palin,  BUT you will NOT hear that EVER mentioned by our one sided liberal loving media.

    Obama has only been Senator ONE term (4 yrs. makes a term) and the last 2 and 3 of those years has been used in campaigning for the Presidency.

  8. if the old geezer doesn't start world war 3 before he croaks is how it should have been asked would she get lost in DC? Considering she is from Alaska

  9. Palin will be fine, the advisors do everything anyway.

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