
If McCain follows Osama bin Laden to the gates of h**l, will his left turn signal be blinking the whole way?

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I'm not saying he is old ....but his social security number is 6.




  1. ROTFLMAO...

    Does John McCain wear boxers or briefs?

    Answer: Depends...

    But seriously, folks... Why hasn't McCain sent his son after Bin Laden as opposed to sending him to Iraq for political points?

    Why did McCain vow that Musharaf was our "best ally" when it was discovered that he was actually harboring Al Qeida members like Aafia Sidiqui?

  2. Don't give up that day job at the cafeteria...

  3. At the risk of sounding completely juvenile, get a life.

    You don't even deserve a response, but seriously.  Grow up.

    Thank you to opnwoods below part of what needs to be said.  I am honestly sickened by anyone who could agree with this.

  4. please do not compare an accused person like bin laden who did not do  9-11, which we know for sure to be an orchestrated terror event, with a proven war criminal who killed thousands of innocent men, women and children back in Vietnam.

  5. funny

  6. The bigger question is why Cheney is letting Osama the Bomba stay at his place.

  7. McSame wouldn't  follow  Bin Laden anywhere. He  just wouldn't have any problem sending young men and women to die . They are just numbers to him!  

  8. LOL. That's all I'll say.

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