
If McCain gets elected, should he give out huge stimulus checks to big multinational corporations only?

by  |  earlier

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..and give them tax-free periods of time for extra profits to somehow trickle down on top of our heads?




  1. No put them out of business and laugh at the fat democrat unions

    going down

  2. Nice you know what your saying IS false and just doing it to distract the public from the fact that if Osama Obama is elected he WILL raise EVERYONES taxes at LEAST 12% based on HIS numbers....but unlike you libs I use FACTS not SLANDER to ensure your deity will NOT get elected

  3. why don't we stop handing out stimulus checks and do something that will actually help in fixing this crumbling country. I know one thing that might boost our economy..... stop freaking outsourcing keep the jobs here and make fat lazy welfare bums stop watching my TV and get off of my couch and work at these no longer outsourced jobs or live on the freaking street

    furthermore I think all these politicians suck and we should clean house and start over, get rid of all those fat greedy tax money wasting country destroyers and get some real people who know what life is about to run this country.

  4. How come you've been on this site asking ignorant questions all day? Are you paid by Obama?

    The answer to your question is no, he shouldn't, that is why he won't, just like Obama won't. Duh.

  5. Sorry you're not making it on your own.

    I'm sure "activist" doesn't pay much.

    Have you thought about a tradeschool?

  6. He should not, but he will

  7. the tax part is already in place.

    no he shouldnt

  8. It would probably do more good than handing out money to Joe SixPack.

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