
If McCain has a heart attack on Nov 3rd, would you still prefer Sarah Plain to honorable Barack Obama?

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Knowing for certain that she would become president from day 1.




  1. h**l Nah.

    I find it funny that people saying Sarah Palin is popular in America when most have never heard of her. Ima roll with Obama!


    go to

    to learn more.

    and the truth and facts.

  2. I would hope McCain lives a long healthy life and I wish Palin and her family well.  But they will not win.  The majority of Americans are to smart to vote for them.  Obama will win.

  3. I would prefer Sarah Palin to Obama ANY day.  There is nothing honorable about him.

  4. She will be better than Obama (pbuh).

  5. Yes definately!

    Given taht they hasve to compare their #1 to the rep #2 should show to everyone with an OPEN MIND that he is utterly unqualified.

  6. Honorable Barack Obama, bhahahahahahahahahahaha, stop please, stop, my side is killing me

  7. Yes since she has clearly has much more experience than Obama does.

  8. Well lets see- If Obama wins we would have an inexperienced president who wants to raise my taxes, hangs out with criminals, racists, terrorists & has no executive experience.

    At least Sarah has a record of reforming, executive experience etc.  So YES definitely!

  9. Yes.  I would prefer almost anyone to Obama.

  10. Hmmm she is a bit weak on Defense, When asked about the Zumwalt class of Naval Destroyers, she responded saying that they seemed awfully expensive for a hula hoop with a nail in it!!!


  11. YES!  She has been a LEADER of a STATE.    Obama has never been a Leader.   She is GREAT at it and has a 80% approval rating!

    McCain/ Palin!  

    McCain won't have a heart attack!  He is healthy! and a young 71

  12. ABSOLUTELY and without a doubt. And pleas explain what is honorabale about Obama. A man who exhibits bad judgment, in every aspect of his life. He has never been a leader, can only follow others leads, changes on a daily basis, and you call that honorable. I feel so sorry for you.

  13. No doubt about it....absolutely!

    Remember to register and get out to vote!

    For those of you who doubt her experience:

  14. I would prefer Sarah Palin over Barack Obama on any day, including Nov 3rd. And, when the election is over, you will see that most of the country prefers her too.

  15. NO!!!! She supports the Iraq War and that will lead to more blowback from Al-Qaeda. However, Neocons are TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THIS POINT!!!

  16. No way...for those that say she has more experience she only has 20 months in state government. She does not yet understand the political process and how to actually accomplishh anything. P.S. where is the money for that bridge to no where? Yes, it is still in Alaska.


    OBAMA/BIDEN 08 !!!!!

  18. Absolutely! YES!

  19. Good lord, no. She's not even qualified for the position she has now as governor, much less VP. This woman has left nothing but a trail of destruction in her wake. I hear she's popular in Alaska and that's exactly where she should stay.

  20. Yes, I would prefer the honorable Sarah Palin with executive experience over the muslim senator with NO executive experience! actually take Donald Duck over Obama for that matter.

    If Obama has a heart attack on Nov 3rd, would YOU still prefer Biden over the honorable McCain?

  21. Yes. Gov. Sara Palin has the experience running a city for 5 years then running a State for 2 years. Running a City and State and all the daily decisions, budgeting etc that comes with that over shadows the 147 days that Jr Senator Obama has. Senator Obama speaks in front of other Senators and votes yes, no or present. Gov Palin speaks to her State and them some. So I feel she can transfer her skills.

    * What would happen to Senator Obama if Senator Biden had another brain aneurysm? Senator Biden was picked to make up for Senator Obama's lack of general experience and foreign policy experience.

    I am not comfortable with having Senator Obama be POTUS from day 1. He now has more campaign experience than he does being a Senator or Running a City, State let alone a Country.

    I do like Senator Obama but he has no experience. He has voted with his party 98% of the time and never once crossed them to stand up for what he believed in. If he is POTUS he will rule for them and their Old Liberal Democrat Agenda.

  22. There is nothing honorable about Obama.

    So, yes, I would prefer Sarah on all fronts!

  23. No.

    Obama is a respectable intelligent honest man with good morals and the ability to raise a good family.  

    Palin doesn't compare to Obama in any regard.

  24. Absolutely not. Being a mother does not qualify you to be President. Neither does winning a beauty pageant or governing a remote state for 18 months.

    Knowing the Constitution and the law in and out, and being involved in Washington, that's what gives you the experience you need to be President. And Barack Obama has those things.  

  25. In the absence of experience, I look for judgment. Obama has poor judgment, Sarah has great judgment.

    Yes to Sarah.

  26. Well lets see - Palin is Gov. of Alaska - population 670,000.  That would be equivalent to.......... there is no equivalent - Alaska is the least populated state in the country.  I was born in Brooklyn, New York a county in the City of New York which is a city in the State of New York.  The population in Brooklyn, NY is 2.5 million people.  The current United States population is 305, 040,310.  

    In fact, she has almost no executive experience compared with every other Governor in this country.  She has only traveled outside the US once; she has a 4 year degree in communications and no legal, foreign or economic knowledge, exposure or experience.

    My answer is a resounding NO!!!

    Somehow I think the executive management of the United States of America should be more than the image of a soccer mom.  I like to think of the President as intellectual, polished, thoughtful, educated and versed in the laws of the land.  McCain offers little in these area's and Palin offers nothing.

    Oh and don't forget class - the President of the United States of America and leader of the free world should have class; I'd prefer he drink wine and not beer.

    And no I don't want to sit and have a beer with him; he is suppose to be on a different level than the average citizen is.

  27. Palin has ten years of administrative experience more than Barack Obama, so my answer to your question is yes.

  28. I've not heard Obama talk about strengthening local government and weakening federal government.

    I've not heard him say anything about freedom.

    I'd vote for Sarah Plain over Obama anyday.  

  29. I wish the election was over with so we didn't have to listen to these questions anymore. They aren't clever and they aren't funny.

    And I would take Palin...or even Pee Wee Herman over Obama any day. Obama is not the person to lead our country. He has ZERO leadership experience. At least Palin has been governor of a state.

  30. Sorry that you are a fatalist, but yes, I DO believe that Gov. Palin is more prepared and equipped than Obama for such an executive role, period.

  31. I wouldn't prefer her over him, but that may very well be because she and I aren't supporters of the same causes, and we aren't passionate about the same issues. But for someone who she has more in common with, Gov. Palin isn't a bad choice at all. She has pr oven her strength in many different forums and she has some other qualities to be desired by any politician.

    For those who can't see beyond the 'Experience' argument on both sides (which has been nullified as both tickets have one with experience, and one with other qualities) and for those that can't wrap their minds around the thought of a "Hockey Mom" being VP or a Junior Senator being President, you just might need to do some "Independent" research.

    Let's hope McCain doesn't have a heart attack and let's look forward to a wonderful political campaign from both parties. There are quite a few ways to look at this topic, but if we must, let's compare apples to apples. The real question should be about both Vice Presidential nominees. Is either better suited for the role of President than the other? (Maybe the answer to this is as simple as the first few sentences in this posting -- It all depends on who will represent your thoughts, beliefs, and interests best.)

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