
If McCain has absolutely no idea as to how many dwellings he and his wife own-How could he possibly lead us? ?

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  1. I just have a bad feeling he's going to be another George Bush Jr.

  2. This is not the proper question.

    The proper question is:  How could anyone vote for a man who has no idea how many houses he owns.

    The fault is not in the candidate - he is what he is - the fault is on the shoulders of the people who vote for the man who doesn't know how many houses he owns.

  3. Is this your IMPORTANT reason for voting for Obama?

  4. He can lead us just as well as our current "genius in residence" does; which in turn proves that it does not take a lot of brains to be the "leader of the free world".

  5. Don't worry, he'll get his own Cheney to do the job.

    Watch out for his Veep. He'll be the real one! CFR chooses not McCain.

  6. He can't.  The Republicans want you to fall for the white supremacy ruse again they way they did with Bush.  Pretend McCain is competent and keep your eyes closed for four years.

  7. Better question: how can the middle class expect him to make any decisions that benefit them? He thinks you belong in the middle class if you make less than $5 million per year. I really don't want to be treated as if I'm making $1 million, much less $100,000.

  8. He'll just wink, smirk, joke about not finding any WMDs under this table and laugh about how funny it would be to start World War III.

  9. You laugh about McCain not knowing how many dwelling how owns. What you worry should about is the fact that the Democrats being split over Biden as vp now that's something to worry about.

    Now as to Birdie every President since and including JFK has been a member of the CFR.

  10. Has anyone thought that he was unsure on how to answer.  Was the question how many HE owns, or how many he AND HIS WIFE own?  There is a difference.  Their finances are kept separate.  So what does this have to do with making decisions?

  11. What does this have to do with immigration?

    Also, do you really think someone's going to change their minds about McCain because of this?

    "I like that McCain was in favor of the surge, but I can't vote for him now."

  12. I think it depends on the circumstances.

    If McCain and his wife own the homes as investment properties, then I wouldn't expect him to know exactly how many he has. He may trust someone else to handle his investments and buy / sell them as needed.

    On the other hand, if these are just his normal homes, then there are three possibilities:

    1.) He (or his family) owns them, but they never use them and he just doesn't remember how many "properties" he owns.

    2.) He was being sneaky and trying to avoid the question because it might hurt him politically.

    3.) He's getting a little senile.

    I would only start worrying if it's #3.

  13. I don't see the big deal. If you asked my landlord the same question,he probably wouldn't know either.

    I know,maybe those 7 properties that McCain forgot he had are located in the extra 7 states that Obama thinks we have.  

  14. It could be his mind is on more important things.

    I would not want a president with his mind on trivial matters and to him that is a trivial matter. It shows he's successful though and that I like.

  15. You need to at least make some argument, however weak, as to how one effects the other.

  16. Because his wife owns most of those and several of those are investment properties,which someone other than himself takes care of.His mind is on more important matters.

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