
If McCain is elected, who will lead the country?

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If McCain is elected, who will lead the country?




  1. Karl Rove.Trust me!

  2. no one as we have now...

  3. uh....McCain

  4. McCain, who else?

  5. Pres. McCain.

    That is in stark contrast to Rev. Wright running the country of Sen. Obama is elected, or special interests/ campaign donors running the country if Sen. Clinton is elected.

  6. His caregiver.

  7. the Israeli government .

  8. In response to Malclave:  You want Hagee in power?

    I see no change in the power structure in DC if McCain is elected, only a change in the figurehead......Doofus will be sent back to Texas with a new box of Crayolas and McCain will be installed in the Oval Office on life support and Alzheimers meds and the same bunch of talking heads who did all the talking for Bush will continue to jabber.

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