
If McCain is one heart attack away from dying, do people really think that Palin would be a good President?

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Palin is open to teaching creationism in schools.

Palin is anti-choice (anti-women).

She sounds like a freak! I can't believe McCain chose her. This little gimmick to get himself elected will soon lose its spark (especially when the baby scandal comes out, which I'm saying is likely but not proven right now).

It's no wonder that most educated people are liberal/Democrat.

Obama/Biden '08

Also, I was very surprised to find that many people on this website are for McCain/Palin.




  1. Yes, she would be far better than the Obamanation you Demonrats nominated. All you are accomplishing with your slander of Palin is helping McCain get elected. What you are doing here is disgustingly evil, and in time you will find that God is watching

  2. Dont forget Biden is one heat beat away from having brain problems at the age of 65. Without Biden Obama doesn't have experience.

    Id feel safer with PAlin, than Obama.

    Comparing Biden to Palin of course BIden has more foriegn policy experience, but Palin knows how to run a Government, Biden does not.

  3. Most educated people vote Republican.  You will find that only the over-educated and the under-educated are more likely to vote Democrat.  Check out the link below from the last election.  Only those with no high school education and a post-graduate degree supported Kerry.  Bush won high school graduates, college graduates and those with some college background.

  4. She got to many distractions . She has 4 or 5 kids.

  5. Better her than Obama.

  6. i guess you libs seem to think the only thing McCain will do is die, it is very possible that obama gets shot by a radical white supremacist and then what we are left with Biden? a party hack who's son is a lobbyist, WOW i will vote for that change.

    "a heart beat away" is the new catch phrase for McCain is too old, which is discrimination based on age, and laughable at the very least

  7. so your saying that the POSSIBILITY of an inexperienced president is worse than the CERTAINTY of one. can you explain your logic?

  8. mc cain won't die of a heart attack, he always puts his counties best interests first.

  9. As to whether Palin would be a good president or not, the jury is out on that. The American people have not yet voted for President. Frankly her ideas on government reform, fighting the interests of lobbyists, fighting big oil, vetoing pork barrel bills are right in line with what most Americans want and are not considered wacko.

    The American people have had the chance to voice their opinion on whether Biden. would be a good president or not. Hardly anyone voted for him in the Democratic primaries or 1988....or in 2008. That shows how many Dems think he would make a good President.

  10. I've got a news flash for you libs. You are not in charge of when John McCain will die or how he will die. Everyone has him dead in the next 4 years. Maybe you should worry more about when and how you will die.

    Anyone that is in the VP position is one heart beat away from being president. No one knows when someone will die.

    That puts Nancy Palosi 2 heart beats away from being president, which is far, far scarier than Palin for president.

  11. Yes she would.

    Nice try at the spin oh educated 1, but almost everyone is 1 heart attack away from being dead.

  12. h**l no

    Sarah Palin have no experience what so ever.If she have just some she won't stay in alaska pumped up 5 kid.

    They picked her just to win the elections.

  13. Lotta scared dems...

    If everyone is so afraid of McCain dying in office, then they shouldn't vote for him in the first place.

  14. NO WORSE than the inexperience of Obama

  15. in my mind, the question is would palin be better choice than obama, and i think that she probably would be

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