
If McCain is really such a Maverick, why didn't he buck the party establishment and ...?

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why didn't he buck the party establishment and choose who he wanted as VP, Joe Lieberman?




  1. McCain is a maverick. That is why he chose Palin. She is a reformer just like him. Lieberman is a Democrat.....that is just what the Dems would hope would happen and all the Republicans wouldn't bother voting. Now McCain-Palin in a landslide in November. The Dems can smell defeat already.

  2. Because Joe is sooooo boring... Sarah Palin has really got people going.   She ultimately will help get McCain elected if you think about it.  I mean she is getting you posting here isnt she??  

  3. Because he couldn't win the election if he did that.

    You buck the system when you are in the system. Lieberman will be in his cabinet in some fashion.

  4. Maybe he didn't want the job?

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