
If McCain is running on "change", what is it he will change?

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I haven't really heard what kind of change McCain is talking about. Some people say he is another 4 years of Bush, so tell me why wouldn't he be?




  1. We'll see when the debates come around. Then we'll learn what BOTH candidates mean when they say "Change".  

  2. Bush was a hard line conservative, McCain is a moderate that often angers right wing conservatives by actually (gasp) working with democrats. He has EARNED his nickname Maverick by voting his conscience instead of party line on key issues to get things done ion Washington. He has chosen a running mate that compliments his views very well and has a very high approval rating.

    Barrack Obama was voted "Most Liberal Senator" and in his short tenure has been a left wing loyalist. His message has been "change" but he chose the poster boy for status quo, Joe Biden as his running mate. He has been disloyal to his followers, to the liberal base by snubbing Hillary, and to America by attending his racist, disgusting Black Liberation Theology "church" for 20 years and then saying that he now doesn't believe it.

  3. He isn't. Obama is. And sorry he is no Bush.

  4. The President is a spokesperson to the people and our country.

    He also signs bills and deals with foriegn leaders to keep the peace.

    He will soon end the war in Iraq and & focus on Obama Bin Ladin.

  5. He is not Bush, but he follows the same conservative ideology and republican party line. He supports the Iraq war so that won't change. I don't see that he wants to take us to energy indepedence either.  NOr do I see that he wants to give us universal heathcare or stop shipping jobs overseas.  

    I see Obama as someone who is for the people, not the corporations.  


  7. Wasteful spending such as earmarks and useless federal government programs.  

  8. The irony of McCain's Campaign has not been to distance himself from President Bush; but to attack Senator Obama. Oddly enough, even his supporters haven't a clue of his measurement or platform to qualify McCain as the next President.

    What America has figure out; McCain's Campaign is managed and guided by lobbyist, whose interest is against the American people. We also have the litmus test of McCain's failures by aligning himself to scandal: Keaton Five, Enron, and Housing Foreclosures. McCain's judgment is called into order by his support to occupy Iraq; without a valid exit plan.  

    There really is no change in the mix, other than the window dressing of having selected Governor Palan as his running mate. Its transparency is a mockery to women of all spectrum. How does a Senator vote against equal pay for women and yet selects a female as a running mate?

  9. McCain is not running on change, Obama is. Good luck trying to figure out what he wants to change, no on else has been able to.

  10. When politicians talk about change, they are referring to the change in your pocket, change under your car seat, change in the couch cushions,

    change in the bottom of your purse, any change they can get their hands on, because believe me they want to spend it, all of it.

  11. McCain picked Sarah Palin to help him change his adult diapers.  

  12. DONT VOTE McCAIN!!!!


    Barakk Obama will bring change to the U.S.

    McCain is a greedy different looking four more years of Bush

  13. He's gonna change the Obama campaign into a pumpkin.

  14. his name is not Bush

  15. Government waste.  

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