
If McCain is such a "maverick", and vote "independently", Why is he the republican nominee. ?

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If McCain is such a "maverick", and vote "independently", Why is he the republican nominee. ?




  1. because he is a republican

  2. Because by the definition of "maverick" to Republicans he is one.  I mean, he actually TALKED logically to Democrats.... he even WORKED with them, bipartisanly!  Holy c**p!

    And he's the Republican Nominee because he knows who's @$$ to kiss...

  3. Because Democrats Hate him.

  4. well probably because he's a republican

  5. Because Hucklbee and Romney split the conservative vote and this allowed McCain to slip in.

  6. Because he is a reactionary.

    Why else would he tap Palin for VP in this particular election...

    Everything he does is political posturing and belly aching and denying his connections to the corruption surrounding him....

  7. because the poison of liberalism has started to affect even the republicans....good thing we still have some who are strong enough to shed off the disease and inoculate the rest.....liberalism a dying concept!

  8. We are the party of Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt. We LOVE a maverick

  9. Why did he torpedo his ticket by choosing a Fundie as his running mate.

    Nothing Mavericky about that.

    Judging by my fool proof polling method (how nasty and desperate the Rep/Con post have been tonight) The ticket is a failure.

  10. I was going to ask the same question. After all, if he is in fact a maverick wouldn't he be a democrat. The fact is that he is not a maverick, but rather is is George Bush incarnate. He voted with George Bush 90% of the time. How is that a maverick?

  11. you can only be president if you come from the two parties, dem or repub. sad but true we are not a democracy

  12. because he's a republican.

  13. Because most of us Republicans were sick of the same ol same ol.  Probably like all the Democrats that nominated Obama.

    Both candidates represent elements of change.  I think that's what the country at large wants.

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