
If McCain knew about this upcoming baby, then was this all rigged to unfold this way?

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Was it all to gain support of the evangelics who strongly support the republicans?

Was this the reason for "hand picking" her? Did he know everyone would rush to defend Palin and her virtuous values and make this an abortion/non abortion issue?

Because that is what it's become. It seems like she was picked because of that and because she is pro-gun and a woman.

Sneaky or smart politics?




  1. Because it is dumb and has nothing to do with anything .    Why people keep talking about this is just plain ignorance.

  2. I am wowed by the sheer genius of it...McCain is a man to be reckoned with...again WOW!  

  3. You seem to be under the illusion that McCain picked Palin, let me assure you, McCain DID NOT pick Palin...Palin was thrust upon him.

  4. Just wondering, if her son was g*y?

    Would it just go away or would it be OK.

  5. He knew but he didn't care. He wanted an ultra-conservative fundamentalist woman. And there she was.

  6. Yes, this was planned months ago starting with the kid that knocked the little tart up.  He was a McCain operative.

  7. When Palin was told that the media would go after her personal life  and seek to destroy her, she responded.  

    Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?  Lipstick.

  8. i dont think it was deliberately set up to be unfolded this way......cause only an idiot would do that......but then again....

  9. MAYBE,

    but I had  a republican friend call and tell me he thinks McCain is intentionally trying to bring the republicans down..for everything they've done to him

  10. I have said this repeatedly........

    the Republicans had to run SOMEONE--------

    None of them had a CHANCE against the ANTI-BUSH vote.

    It's not that Obama is the second coming...........he's simply not MORE of >>>THEM<<<.

    Needing to put SOMEONE up........they ran McCain up the flagpole to at least put in a respectable showing, in a race they are sure to lose.

    But McCain was, surprisingly, holding his own.

    and NOT wanting to actually win, and have to FIX 8 years of Bush's mistakes themselves, ......they decided to blow their own foot off, by picking Palin.

    It is unimaginable that the democrats will lose now.

    This seems to be the plan, actually.........let Obama have they  can pin all that's wrong right now on HIM..........not Bush.........

    and then come out fresh in 2012......neatly distanced from the "current" mess, screaming what a "disaster" Obama has supposedly been, ala Jimmy Carter.

    It all seems to be going according to script.........

    the only hiccup.........they really wanted to tar and feather HILLIARY........but Obama stole the show!!!!.

    Just as well for  republicans...........they get to tar and feather the first black, instead of the first WOMAN.

    It's a win/win for them.

    Look for an old white guy, in 2012 to sweep the GOP.

  11. Smart..he knew how the far left are like loose cannons..he gave them the rope..and they hung themselves..the temptation to crucify someone who was not in line with their agenda..outweighed the message of "change"..thier actions have shown that they can;t impliment change because they are not willing to be active participants in change..he gave them the bait..and they took took it hook line and sinker!

  12. Both, McCain wanted to get the Clinton voters that are still undecided, and  she was a good choice for  his political game. I think he choose her because the race is too tight to call in some states and he hoped Palin would get him into office.  

  13. They didn't know squat before the announcement

    they are play CYA today

  14. all McCain had to do was look at history - that would inform him of the Uber-fundie-Left's likely vicious reactions, reminding normal Americans what those people are really all about.  

    no matter why he chose Palin, it has turned out to be an excellent choice.

    not only do the Palins have an everyday normal family with everyday normal challenges, the Uber-Liberal's attacks on her and her family have raised the protective instincts of regular families and normal people everywhere.  

  15. I sure they did know about all her back ground. You would not want someone who in the middle of an election with surprises.She didn't make her daughter prego her daughter chose to have s*x outside of marriage. How many other parents face this?What his reason were are any ones guess. But since he chose her, go with the flow.

  16. McCain knew, I think he thought that the Dems had a little more class than they are showing, Desperate people do desperate things,The Dem party has been taken over by Radicals from the left,They are done,The women voters are getting to see them as they are and dont like it.

  17. From what I've heard McCain didn't properly do his homework on Palin...thus the various scandals that have come up in the past week.  I do not feel that it is to McCain's benefit in regards to Palin's soon to be grandchild since it shows that her abstinence belief is a bunch of c**p.

  18. It was a gamble. Gambling is never smart.  

  19. She was chosen because she is not of the Washington Beltway establishment and is a maverick.  She isn't afraid to take on her own party and isn't afraid to tackle big oil.  Hers is a blue collar union family who can relate to everyday Americans.  The fact that she is a woman is a bonus.  If McCain wanted a qualified woman from the Washington Beltway crowd he could have chosen Olympia Snow or Kay Bailey Hutchinson.  

  20. McCain didn't have a clue.  He didn't properly vet Palin because he expected to choose Leiberman or Ridge.

  21. I find it hard to believe that Palin didn't advise McCain of this before the decision.  Kind of hard not to know about a 5 month pregnancy when the entire city knows.  

    I am also sure the Obama camp knew with 2 hours after the announcement because the mass research done for elections and just let the media find out on its own.  Maybe his no family member issues stance is because he has an even more intriguing skeleton in his closet.

    It's planned and an all incredible spin.

  22. It may help McCain since so much venom has been unleashed, it makes Obama's supporters look like cruel child abusers.

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