
If McCain "hides" from the press now, do you think that he will "hide" from us when the heat is on...?

by Guest67018  |  earlier

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...if he wins the presidential election?

See link to story from Yahoo/Bloomberg News yesterday:;_ylt=Aj5.0_wHUITr3wR4n1vHaIBh24cA

Since he has chosen Palin he seems to be running less ads & having less interviews. Some may perceive this as "ducking" the media. Do you think this is because he didn't thoroughly investigate his controversial announced running mate's background? or Is this an indication of how he may react when the "hot topics" arise should he be elected?

Please Republicans...give serious answers!!




  1. Just because Bloomberg says he is ducking them doesn't mean he is ducking everybody. Don't get your info from a left-wing source. Of course he is going to stay from them.

  2. It is as you say......"some perceive"  It is all what you want to believe, period.

    as far as hiding from the press, I don't see much of Hillary, now do we?

    It has been over a week since her "forced" convention speech. I\

    I did see one bit on Hillary, it was about her comments on Gov. Palen and they were complimentary towards Gov. Palen.

  3. Ummm, what did Obama do during his convention week?  He sat in either St Louis or Kansas City (did they finally tell him which one?)

  4. mccain's handlers have him on a short leash.  

    he reads prepared statements rather than answering questions which should keep him from making gaffes or looking stunned when he wants to avoid a question (re viagra / birth control)

    i saw a clip of him fumbling for an answer, so much so that he turned to an aide and asked what his position was supposed to be.  wtf is that?

    and mccain is also getting crabby.  asked a question about the definition of honor, he growled for the interviewer to read it in his book.

    nice temperament for president, huh?   NOT

    and this pick of palin off the cuff, without a full vetting..  not great judgement either.  

  5. Here is a serious reply, where were the media when the election first got going in Iowa last spring. Would we even know if he was ducking the media or not, the media has been giving Osama 4 to 1 coverage time in an effort to get him elected because if he is they will have something historic to write about every day.

    d**n kid, McCain couldn't bungee jump off the Mackinac Bridge and get coverage.

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