
If McCain thinks Palin is more qualified then OBama, let the 2 of them have a debate. CAN YOU IMAGINE!!?

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If McCain thinks Palin is more qualified then OBama, let the 2 of them have a debate. CAN YOU IMAGINE!!?




  1. You will get to see them debate. Not each other, but debate none the less

  2. yeah Palin would run circles around him. She has a list of accomplishments. can you name one Obama accoumpishment? that question always angers libs. running for president is not an accomplishment, sorry libs...

  3. We should stop comparing Palin with Obama....Let's compare Palin with Biden, and let Obama take care of McCain, to see what happens...

    Reality is:

    Biden vs Palin, that debate is going to be interesting.  She won't have Grandpa McCain by her side to tell her what to say!

  4. I would love to see that debate. McCain vs Biden and Obama vs Palin.

    Don't get too cocky. Obama is a great speaker but didn't do well in debates. Hillary beat him most of the time in that forum.

  5. Do you want Obama to run for president or vice president? Last I saw he is not running against Palin and therefore you statement is moronic, I cant wait to see him debate McCain, he will get smoked!!

  6. I think Palin would debate circles around him. He's good with a teleprompter, but I've seen him when his teleprompter malfunctions. Funny as h**l!

  7. Obama debate Palin?  Terrific idea.  Obama would die.  And he knows it.

  8. yes, and palin would win that debate, it's ashamed that won't happen, but she will also give biden a run for the money.

    I say she is going to surprise everyone and in a good way

  9. Obama is afraid to debate.  He can only do prepared speeches when he has a teleprompter available.

    When he speaks extemporaneously, he stutters, stammers, loses his thought, says really dumb things.

  10. Hehe, I'd loooooove to see that.

    In all honesty, I'm super excited for all the upcoming debates. It should be very interesting, no matter what political side you're on.  

  11. obama is scared to debate! eat that c**p beeetch!

  12. I watched the RNC last night and thought it was overly-christianated; but that's besides the point. The point is:  McCain can't debate.  He'll have to unleash Palin if he wants to impress Californian republicans.  I'm voting for Obama because when I look at them both I see the ring of truth coming from Obama.  I do not believe McCain at all so Palin will have to do the talking.  We've already heard McCain talk over and over about the same c**p - Obama is going to make McCain look like a fool because McCain just embarrasses himself.  He'll lose his own race because of himself - just wait for the debates!  He'll be demolished and screaming for his momma.

  13. hahahahah that would be funny!

    all that would do is make the repubes claim that Obama was being sexist! lol

  14. Palin would use obama as a tampon

  15. Yeah Porky Pig will c**p himself. I would pay good money to see that.

  16. That would be funny. Unscripted and random questions from an audience. She'd mop the floor with him.

  17. I do...Palin has a much better grasp of the issues. Obama knows the special interest creed and has not done much but run for President and disrespect Hillary. The secular progressives and loony leftist cannot stand up to Palin.

    Hillary was disrespected by her party. They made her concede and give a speech she clearly did not believe.  

  18. Won't happen, but the simple fact that Dems are trying to compare Obama to Palin shows just how inexperienced HE is.

    Palin is more experienced than Obama, she has actually accomplished a lot in the short time she has been guv, fought corruption in her own party and put 4 "Corrupt b******s Club" members in jail (6 more indicted). Obama has accomplished...NOTHING, 140 days in the Senate voting along party lines and he cannot even say when babies get human rights.

    I'm sure Palin will wipe the floor with Biden. Obama is lucky he doesn't have to debate her, but McCain will get him too. I can just imagine: "How do you propose to keep the country safe? Or is that also above your pay grade?" LOL

  19. U sound dumb as h**l. WTF are you people pitting a Presidential candidate against a VP? WTF are you h**l bent on demoting him to something lesser than what he is capable of doing? I HATE THAT S***

  20. Given that Obama hasn't been shown to be much of a debater, I can imagine.  He is pretty d**n good at reading a script though..not quite the same thing.

  21. Obama wouldn't stoop that low. It would be like a heavyweight fighting a featherweight.  

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