
If McCain wanted all of the disenfranchised Hilary voters, why not pick Hilary Clinton as his VP?

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Honestly. What's the difference between democrats and republicans?




  1. completely different policies/views.  

  2. he would lose his base voters . plus they agree on nothing

  3. Democrats in my opinion is the Upper middle class to lower working class. Who work hard for the money but don't reap the benefits. The Republicans are the rich who aren't affective by real life events beside taxes. America is divided by income, how much we make. You have the poor against the rich.  

  4. Big difference...Republicans are for big business.  Democrats are for the people.  The Republicans don't believe in equal pay for equal work.  I wonder if the republicans plan on paying Palin less because she is a woman?  

    Hillary Clinton was raised as a Republican...and changed to a Democrat.  Seems she liked working for people.  

  5. There isn't really any difference. Why didn't he pick Hillary, because she would have said no. You have to remember, she is loyal to the Democrat party above all else.

  6. Because she's a waste of space and time and has left wing, close to communist views in politics. No place in the Republican party.

    Studying the views of politicians is how you know where they stand.

    Republicans and Democrats both have some real issues, but Democrats are by far the beginning of the end for us if they are elected.

  7. Palin is Brilliant, Hillary is not worthy to share the same bathroom as Palin.

  8. Hillary wouldn't have accepted it anyway.  

  9. I don't believe McCain picked her to soothe the Hillary supporters.

    Many people,like me, were pulling for Palin before McCain slected her. Top GOPers first said that the VP pick had to be Jindahl, Palin, or Brownback in order for the party to succeed past this election.;...

    I liked her for the very reasons I believe McCain selected her.  First a caveat.  She is much more conservative than McCain on religious issues.  McCain needed that to shore up the base GOP voters.

    Other than that, Palin is very much like McCain was just 10 years ago.  As GOVERNOR (not as Mayor -- those jobs have two different purposes)  Palin has challenged earmark/pork barrel spending AND she has worked across the aisle (with Dems) to pass important legislation in her state.

    BTW -- there were lots of people writing to McCain asking him to choose Palin. I was one of them. Yes, we knew about all of the so called scandals.  There is no truth to them and the people who know Palin also know that.  Even the DNC has had to come out and say they were false.  (They did that because they were looking pretty stupid making those accusations once something than the *other* side was told.

    Palin is smart.  She gets things done.  She calls out those who abuse power.  And, she has the highest approval rating of any Governor in the country.  That's no small feat.

    Are there some people in the political arena who have sour grapes and want to press them against Palin?  Yes.  

    Palin *was* vetted and found to be he best man for the job!

  10. Why choose the RIGHT one when you can choose a candidate who thinks she can walk on water and KNOWS God's will? Always best to pick a woman who puts politics above the best interest of her children... sorry, can't help but being a little sarcastic. Palin turns my stomach.

    Obama/Biden 08!

  11. I believe he was going for conservative voters with the pick of Palin.  

  12. He insulted Hillary supporters with a militant right-wing vp choice.

    They are fuming and will not vote McSame.

    Thanks, John.

  13. Conservative Republicans are corrupt liars!

  14. That would have required in-depth thought and reasoning.  Hillary wouldn't have accepted, but at least people wouldn't have thought that McCain would have picked an empty pantsuit.

  15. because she is a democrat. democrats and republicans have different beliefs.

  16. ask him; how the helll are we suppose to know.

  17. What's the difference between democrats and republicans? Everything!

  18. Because Hillary is a flaming liberal who wants to raise taxes, increase government spending and start Hillarycare.

    Palin faught government corruption, returned government money to the Alaskan people and trimmed down government waste!

  19. im glad he didnt,palin is a real person....hillary is a fake , oh i cant even say it..

  20. HELLO !!!!  Hillary is a democrate !!!!!

  21. Hillary is not a turn coat.  She is a Democrat, and she stands by her man.  

    Democrats, claim to be for the middle class, such as myself, so I am all for that.

  22. Oh, my that is too big of question. Let's just say they are fundamentally different on some key issues. McCain is already Moderate enough for the Republican party.

  23. Because it was never about wanting them. Palin is not even trying to appeal to them. Even Chris Liberal bias Mathews admitted that. They can have them pal. Were still gonna see Liberals crying on election day.

  24. dems want your money and wont give you the benefit of a reach around...republicans want you to make your own money and stop living off the government

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