
If McCain wanted to gain the votes of the Christian conservatives why didnt he pick Mike Huckabee?

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Do you think he picked Sarah Palin just to get votes from women.




  1. Hmm what do you think einstein?

  2. Yep. Siphon off votes he will. The Democrats ticked off a lot of women. They can deny it all they want.

  3. Because he found someone better in Sarah Palin.

  4. Palin may be the stupidest decision in GOP history...AND THATS SAYING A LOT!!!

  5. who wants to say V. President Huckabee?

  6. Because we Christian Conservatives like our politicians to be Christian AND conservative... like Sarah Palin :)

  7. He shot himself in the foot.  He chose a woman who is so opposite Hillary that he offended her disaffected supporters.  Then it turns out her parenting style offended core conservatives.....

    Great job Johnny Boy!

  8. LOL when running against Obama the Christian vote isn't even a issue.

  9. Huckabee doesn't possess universe splitting beauty.

  10. A lot of Repbulican voters don't care for Huckabee, and probably for the same reasons McCain didn't pick him.

    He's a social conservative, but believes in big government. We conservatives have had enough of big government from Bush.  

  11. trying desperately to get those Indies and Hillary votes.  Backfired big time!

  12. It does seem to appear that McCain is just trying to appeal to women voters.

    Although, it may not be such a bad thing if McCain really believes that Palin is qualified for the job.

    Palin gets a lot of grief from people about her lack of experience but it is still no small accomplishment that she attained the governorship of Alaska.

  13. Well it sure does seem that he will do anything to get the Hillacrats vote.

  14. Because he was trying to slam Obama for not picking Hillary - so in his warp way of thinking, he opted for an inexperienced DRAMA-filled woman to be his VP!

  15. Mike Huckabee far far farrrrrrrrrrr too radically to the right and would cost more than gain him votes.  Sarah Palin a moderate conservative - a woman - and yes - will help him to get votes. Having a teen-aged preggers daughter will endear her to million of parents who have been in the same boat - people are people and it's not going to hurt a thing.

    They both chose V.P. Candidates that would help them in one way or the other GET votes - politics is a game - and nothing else - as long as we have a party system in America (and we always will) that is all it will be.

  16. Even among conservative christians, huckabee was not that well liked.

  17. He has the conservatives now he needs the middle of the road people.

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