
If McCain were to fight Obama in a steel cage match, who would win and WHY?

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  1. tacky question.


  2. Obama's a cityfied sissyboy. McCain would kill him with pungie sticks.

  3. McCain would win, he has had survival training and the use of deadly force training. Senator McCain has killed before and Senator Obama has not.

  4. hehehe, well seeing as how mccain is almost as old as dirt.. i think Obama would kick his a**, just like hes gonna in Nov. 4th.

  5. McCain would probably break a hip

  6. McCains is old enough to draw a pension - Obama is a young man.

    Do the math.

  7. Mccain can't even lift his hands above his shoulders.

  8. LOL! could we resolve the "science vs religion" issues by doing a cage match between Jesse Jackson and Stephen Hawking?

    oh, it would be Obama. McCain would crumble, a shot glass of milk has more calcium than the old guy's bones.

  9. mccain would win. simply for the fact, the frist hit rfom obama his butt be in jail cause hitting a disabled person plus being a purple heart recipient, yeah obama going to jail lol.

  10. McCain would win because the secret service protects presidents, not people who ran for president and lost.  

  11. Obama, he'd burn McCain to a crisp with the pure power of hope.

  12. McCAIN  can not lift his arms

    an he might forget why he was there


  13. What a stupid question. McCain of course. He's Navy!

  14. I can't believe I'm answering this question, but...McCain.  He's a tough man; he survived a missile hitting his ship (that killed 150+ of his shipmates), he survived a missile hitting the plane he was flying, and when he landed, he broke both of his arms and both of his legs.  If that wasn't enough, he went to a POW camp in that condition.  This guy's taken more than a beating, and he SURVIVED.

    I think he could hold his own.

  15. McCain would win.  McCain has combat experience.  Obama has, well, not really.  

  16. Sorry, but LOL!!

    Obama, that would be the quickest match ever known to man.

  17. Obama probably. He's much younger and energetic. Just compare a match between Ruslan Chagayev and the aging Muhammad Ali.

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