
If McCain wins, will Hillarycrats and NASCAR enthusiasts get what they deserve?

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How many people will mock "Joe Sixpack and Johnny Lunchpail" when they lose their homes, their jobs, end up deep in debt due to medical emergencies because they have no health insurance, and be forced to watch their sons and daughters go off to war to be killed or maimed for a war that only benefits corporate interests?

I already mock their pain. They vote for Republicans, the Republicans exploit them and they line up and ask for more...

"Thank you, sir. May I have another?"

Who believes that everyone gets what they deserve?




  1. The Southern Strategy, which exploits the racial insecurities and prejudices of many, is still an effective GOP tool.

    In a rational world, lower and middle class people of all races would be a powerful voting bloc.


  2. Get to know some basical knowledge of your confused field before taking any suggestion is a great idea.Here is great place to start off.

  3. Yes, just what they voted for ........less government!

    I sure would hate to go through life with your outlook. Even if Obama gets elected I will survive. You people need to get a reality check!

  4. Yes, they will get a less intrusive government that allows people to succeed on their own with minimal interference from washington..

    The Patriot Act has had zero impact on me at all.  Me being forced to sign up for government health care and the increase in the taxes I pay certainly will..

  5. If McCain loses, our country as we know it will change alright... However, it won't be for the good.  Our country will begin to fail on day one.  

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