
If McCain wins, will he restore the Draft?

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If McCain wins, will he restore the Draft?




  1. Nope.  There is no evidence that a draft will become necessary to defend America.

  2. Doubtful.  It's Charles Rangel, a D-NY Representative who introduces the draft each years.

  3. Yes. Bills HR393  HR163 and HR 4752 were passed by US congress

  4. a chance only if obama wins . democrats are the ones who have

    introduce a bill for the draft.

  5. That takes an act of Congress.  So if there is a draft proposal on his tabel, it is because the Democratic Congress let it get there.

  6. Only Democrats in Congress have suggested that over the past dozen years.

  7. I think it's likely since he's not planning on ending the war anytime soon. We're running out of soldiers. They are already doing longer, multiple tours than in previous wars.

  8. No, he never said he would. If Obama wins will terrorist, bomber, american killer william ayers get a position in his administarion? How about the racist black seperatist rev wright.

  9. YES

    And he will also overturn Roe vs Wade!

    Obama/Biden - YES WE CAN

  10. McCain is so so so so old...war is a young man's diversion from living.

  11. He won't win in the first place.

  12. Doubtful.  The only members of Congress who have tried to restore the draft are Democrats.

  13. It is not within the power of the President to create a draft. Congress would have to pass legislation authorizing use of the draft and the President would then have the option to sign or veto the bill.

    The last draft which ended in 1973 was instituted by FDR in 1940 and created the Selective Service as a Federal entity. The requirement to register for Selective Service was reinstated by Jimmy Carter in 1980 and remains in force currently.  

  14. the only ones to date that have called to reinstate the draft are democrats in congress

  15. No, there is not need for the draft today.  If we have a national emergency that warrants one, then I hope who ever is president will do so only at that time.  

  16. If he does I'm moving to Canada!

  17. The democrats want the draft i dont know what your thinking saying McCain would do the draft. Over 80% of the government is libral that is why there is a question about drafting. Plus if we took people out of the war we would end up not being a free country. A lot of the Asian countris would not like us anymore and would maybe attack us and I'm saying not just one countrie several. If you dont want to be free vote for Obama. If you want to be free vote for McCain!

    McCain for president of 2008!!!

    strictly conservative~Carly  

  18. No. He would have to beat Rangel to the punch.

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