
If McCain wins, will the White House need to be remodeled to accomodate sudden fits by Palin, to...?

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...prevent her from injuring herself? (Or would that be the Holy Spirit injuring her?)




  1. Sarah Palin, if elected as VP, won't be living in the White House, honey.  If it gets remodeled, that will be up to the First Lady.  Did you just get to this country???


  2. Nah, there'll be a team of people there to take care of her.

    I also don't understand why people responded with all the racial jokes, or why other people responded with "She won't live in the White House!"  She'll have an office there and be there constantly, even if she doesn't actually live there.  

  3. On a brighter note they would never need to hire translators again.

  4. What? He has to let her into the White House too?  Can't they just pad the Vice Presidential mansion?  Or maybe the Vice Presidential undisclosed location?

  5. I think his lovely wife might be high maintenence

  6. beats the h**l out of the halls being filled with jungel drums

  7. If obama gets in it will need a total makeover from pimp my ride.... shut up

  8. The taxpayers' money will go toward cushioning the walls of the vice-president's wing...  Well, McCain doesn't want his precious corporations to have to pay for them, so tax cuts for those guys...

    *whooshing sound as question goes over people's heads*

    ...Racial jokes, people... really?

  9. sweetie that's a very hypothetical question. the republican era is OVER.  

  10. I just hope that if Obama wins the rug in the white House looks better than the one Biden wears.

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