
If McCain wins, will the war in Iraq continue? ?

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ReKon Dog, Are you saying the war in Iraq isn't Bush's fault? Was he just doing what Congress wanted? I haven't heard that one before.




  1. The war in Iraq is going to continue regardless whether McCain or Obama is President.  The Constitution states clearly that Congress, and only Congress has the authority to start or end war.  Just like that bonehead Bush, people tend to think that he sent us there.  Congress have agreed to the CIA's Intel reports and agreed for the Invasion.  Just because Bush announces to the public, people seem to think he ordered it, just because he was on TV mentioning war in Iraq.

  2. No.

    We are seeing that the Surge which McCain endorsed from the beggining was the turning point in Iraq. We have a timeline now cause The Surge WORKED. McCain said from the beggining that the war was mishandled by Rumsfeld. If we followed what McCain said from the beggining, we would have been out from Iraq a long time ago....

    McCAIN will bring our troops home with victory and honor.

  3. If McCain loses - the war will get worse.

    Right now the enemy is virtually defeated. The only way they can win is if Obama is allowed to throw away everything our soldiers have done in the name of political expediency.

    Haven't you noticed that the Democrats have no long-term plan on dealing with Islamic terrorism?  The best they can come up with is a vague claim to 'get' Bin Laden - which would be nothing more than a publicity stunt.

  4. It will continue even if Obama wins. Obama says that he will create a time table for withdrawal which is actually already in the works right now under the current administration. McCain has said that we could be there for a long time but I don't think that would happen because Iraq officials are ready to take control and I don't blame them. But, whoever wins in November we will be there for at least another year and a half. But once we leave Iraq, I believe you will see the troop levels increase in Afghanistan, which is where they should be anyway... just my opinion

  5. Yes, and he'll declare war on Russia too so that world war 3 begins. Get ready and start buying supplies for booby traps so that when McCain sends the secret police in your house, you'll be able to fight.

  6. Yes, not only McCain but Obama too.  One wants Iraq for 100 years and one wants Afghanistan.  The question is, If McCain or Obama wins, how can we afford it?

  7. if obamas elected its gonna continue anyway, and rekon dog is right. and do u know the monroe doctrin? john quincy adams wrote it but president monroe got the credit since he was president at the time. history repeats itself and bush is not to blame

  8. Hello?  The war is over...

  9. Yes. He said a while ago that troops may need to remain in Iraq for up to 100 years! Definitely not the man I want for president.

    Obama 08!

  10. yes and then the war against Iran will begin and just maybe the war against Russia will begin and then maybe the war against China oh and then the war against Cuba need i go on Can our nation afford Mccain?

  11. I think that, if the war doesn't end by the end of this year, you will see the new prez do a bit of posturing the first quarter to show he's in charge. Then, the war will begin its end. Too many politicians and such own Iraqi currency and need it's value to rise and too many US companies are signing contracts to open their businesses over there. These are things we aren't told because they want us to believe something else. Once again, it's all about the money.

  12. The war in Iraq is DONE!  We are now helping the Iraqis continue to increase their knowledge and mature as both a military and police force!

    Whoever becomes president will have a good news story as we send more and more troops home!  While George Bush may not get the credit, history will only point to the success of the troop surge!

    Iraq has a solid source of money, and a society ready to stop fighting (albeit for only awhile).  

    The one that will take awhile is Afghanistan!  That country has NO source of foreseeable income other than Opium.  They are missing 30 years of education and technology.  They are filled with mistrust and corruption!  

    Whoever becomes president will have some difficult decisions with how much we stay involved with that country!  

  13. Regardless who becomes president, troops will have to stay in Iraq for many years to come. Although the fighting will have settled down, military personal will still be patroling.

  14. Considering that US and Iraq set a time table for 2011, the reincarnation of Gandhi could be elected president and the war in iraq will still continue.

    But of course the reincarnation of Gandhi or anyone half-way with a conscience won't be elected since the US is run by fascists.  

  15. The plan so far is to withdraw in 2011.  McCain could change that, but the Iraqi government would have to agree with him.  I don't think they would, and if conditions on the ground remain as they are I think it's safe to say 2011 will be the end of major US deployments in Iraq.  Only the Iraqi government has authority to extend the deployments without further agreements.

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