
If McCain wins, will they let him fly Air Force One?

by  |  earlier

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Or would there be too high a risk that he'd crash it?




  1. No. If he is US president, he doesn't need to be a pilot anymore.

    And i think he is too old to stay being a pilot. Dangerous, even

    if he still can, many will say no.

  2. I don't think he's as wildly incompetent as you're implying, but there is actually a series of age limits on flying various types of aircraft, and it may be illegal for him to fly anything at his "senior age".

    Mind you, Commander in Chief right? I guess if he says he's flying the plane, then he's flying the plane.

  3. We can only hope!

    8 thumbs down, you people really need to lighten up!

  4. He will sit in his own private area, as other great presidents have.

    If Obumma wins they said he could smoke out on the wing......

  5. I don't see why not. Even if he loses he might too.

  6. Senator John S. McCain III hasn't flown an aircraft since before his capture in Vietnam, the injuries to his arms severely limits his range of motion inhibiting his ability to pilot an aircraft.  Only the designated flight crew of Air Force One is permitted to operate the aircraft...

  7. Even If McCain Wins and becomes president, I don't think they'll let him ride a bike, much less Air Forces One

    DUDE IS OLD!!!!!!!!

  8. I don't think he has a commercial rating so, no.

  9. HAHA. That's pretty clever, making fun of McCain getting SHOT down while fighting for his country. You are a patriot!

  10. He's never piloted a multi-engine jet like that. It would be foolhardy for him to do so. I really doubt Bush flew Air Force One, he was a fighter pilot also.  

  11. Score one for Boo...

  12. Let him? That is funny dude. He will be the President. If he wants to fly the plane he will fly the plane.

  13. He no longer holds any Airman Certification, so unlikely, however, as President, who really knows? However, George W is still Certified as a Commercial Pilot, so he MAY have, on occasion, and as long as there is a PIC in the seat beside him, does it matter? Nope.

    Also, AF1 is ANY USAF plane that has the President onboard, if it is a USN plane, then Navy!, and so forth, so, it is hard to say exactly what rating any President would need... for that matter, anybody... President Bush  took the controls enroute to USS Lincoln, onboard the Navy S-3B Viking.

  14. He's not rated on that type of aircraft, so the answer is no.  

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