
If McCain wins, will we go to war with Iran?

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If McCain wins, will we go to war with Iran?




  1. and Russia.

  2. I think the question is, if Obama wins what will Obama give Iran? Alaska? Obviously no Hawaii, maybe a red state? Maybe Utah, Nebraska, Kansas? How much of America will Obama surrender to avoid doing what might need to be done.

  3. If Obama wins, will we go to war with Pakistan?

  4. You Betcha!

    McCain -

  5. No  

  6. No. Our armed forces are already stretched too thin.

  7. We'll stay in the war we are in. But does anyone even realise if we pull out of the war we will cause friction with other countries and may get attaked our selves. You really go to think about your opinion before you really make one. If we pull out to many the person above is right Pakistan and quite a few other countries will not like us. I mean seriously how do you think we got to be good friends with Japan. We helped them clean up after they attaked us. Were good friends now as in country wise. And the reason we have wars is because of our freedom. If you want to be free you would stay in this war. Plus other countries would not like us if we pulled out and it could cause bigger tension.

    McCain for presidant of 2008!!!

    strictly conservative~Carly

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