
If McCain wins and gets sick or something, and Palin becomes President, who becomes vice President?

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will it be Nancy pelosi? because that is how it is in the chain of command, shes 3rd. if bush and Cheney get sick, Nancy will be President.

but would that mean the presidency would be , Palin/Pelosi? scary thought




  1. Palin would nominate a successor, who would become VP if confirmed by both the House and Senate.

  2. You better hope nothing happens to both McCain and Palin!

    We'd become the United Soviet States.

  3. You are correct... Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House is 3rd in line.

  4. Britney Spears if McCain has anything to say about it.  

  5. Let the catfight begin!

  6. Nothing is scarier than inexperienced and unqualified Palin as President.  

  7. yes, we'd have 2 women in charge. Can you imagine?

  8. No.  Pelosi (or whoever the SotH might be) would not automatically become the VP.  The president nominates a VP.

    Twenty-fifth Amendment -- Section Two: Vice Presidential vacancy

    The Constitution did not provide for Vice Presidential vacancies until the Twenty fifth Amendment was ratified. The Vice Presidency has been vacant several times due to death, resignation, or succession to the Presidency. Often these vacancies lasted for many years. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of Vice President, the President nominates a successor, who becomes Vice President if confirmed by a majority vote of both Houses of the Congress.

  9. Didn't you take civic government in high school?  Why do you have to ask questions you should already know?

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