
If McCain wins the election, isn't that proof enough that the elections are fixed and rigged?

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How can this race even be close? All of the coverage clearly shows Obama speaking to huge crowds of hundreds to thousands (and in Europe, hundreds of thousands) of people. While at the same time McCain speaks to town halls of 50-75 people. I'm not saying one candidate is better than another or one party is better than another. This isn't a question about what their policies and backgrounds are. This isn't a question about the VP picks. The question is: how, when one party clearly has shown and demonstrated a huge support across the country and world (Obama) be in a dead heat with someone who seldom has a crowd bigger than can be found in a Denny's restaurant on a Sunday? Does anyone else believe that their is a government within the government who has clearly taken control and is running the show? Does anyone believe that your vote really matters anymore?

Similarly, in 2004 this happened in the Kerry vs. Bush run for President. Although both were horrible choices, the fix became obvious over the florida election scandal. Bush was and is not a speaker. How could he have won a debate against Kerry (a guy who speaks too much).

The questions I pose is one of: Have the American Elections been fixed and rigged? Who is rigging these elections? What is the goal or incentive for them to be fixed? What will happen to America if they continue to be fixed?




  1. Have you never heard of the Electoral College???   Do you UNDERSTAND . . . .why-y-y-y-y. . . it was put into place ?????  THAT'S YOUR ANSWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PERSONALLY. . . .I have ALWAYS felt that our country is run. . . .NOT. . . by the President. . . .but by the SILENT RICH . . . .WHO PULL THE PRESIDENT'S STRINGS!!!!!

  2. My BF claims it is the World Bankers - the Globalists - that got Bush in and kept him in.

    Of course those with a GOP bent will say they are trying to get Obama in.

    If McCain gets in I am going to  be inclined to  believe my BF.

  3. it isnt proof

    but how can we possibly know?

    the times when a man knew only what he could see with his eyes, hear with his ears, and feel with his body are gone

    CNN, FOX, MSNBC, the NY TIMES, all these news outlets

    what proof do we have that its not all just rigged?

    h**l, we could all be in the matrix right now, and if we are, then we play with the cards we are dealt

    have a little faith because otherwise, your doubts are gonna drive you insane

  4. I do believe that many of these elections are fixed. Its just common sense though. The make up of democrats to republicans is fairly even across the country. When a George W. can be a complete failure in his first four years and some how, some way gets re-elected...its hard to imagine that our votes really count. And I'm sure the incentive for fixing these elections could be anything from control shifts in political power, maybe monitary incentives, possible plans for party domination...the list is endless. Pray for the best...that's all I can say.

  5. No because the America People do not listen to the yellow journalism of the drive-by-media of CNN, and others

  6. Yep, How do you think Bush got back in????????????????  

  7. Those 100's of thousands to see Obama were not there to see Obama at all.  There was a huge concert going on, as is the case every year there.   Obama took advantage knowing a large crowd would be there, and talked to someone to be allowed to speak there.  It was a complete mis-representation of the situation.  That whole trip was a political play.  That trip, speaking to that crowd, sitting to have tea with political figures and talk of nothing significant, that is the extent of Obama's foreign policy experience.  JOKE

  8. Obama supporters tend to be proud and open about their beliefs. but McCain has a silent many

  9. A movie everyone should see...

  10. Did you not hear about all of the counties being charged with FRAUD for Voters Registration, using Dead peoples names etc.    ALL DEMOCRATS!     No republican votes!    


    Vote McCain / Palin!

    Obama is Friends with at least 3 TERRORISTS!   Ayers/ Odinga/ Khalidi

  11. pretty much agree  

  12. If McCain wins, that means america is still a great nation. That means american majority still care and value the american heritage.

  13. No they are not rigged.

    First of all, it will never matter how popular Obama is in Europe. Europe has nothing to do with how we vote. If every single person in Europe loves Obama and he gets 3% of the American vote, he looses by a landslide. So his popularity in any other country does not matter at all.

    Second, Obama is speaking to crowds of 70-80,000 people? Well the polls have him and McCain very close. How many people atend his speeches has nothing to do with how many people will vote for him. Michael Moore came to give a speech at my school, in a republican party majority state, and the venue sold out in no time. Not everyone at the speech or watching it was a Michale Moore fan, I can't stand the fool, I just wanted to see what he would say. I knew from the moment it was announced it was going to be a circus. People who hated Howard Stern used to listen to him to hear what he would say. Just because someone goes to a speech doesn't necessarily mean they are a supporter.

    Third, if McCain is speaking to 3-5 groups a week of 50 people, that means he is speaking to 150- 250 people in a close environment. WHo is imapcted more, 1 of 80,000 or 1 of 150?

    With the polls showing them so close together, nothing looks to be rigged.

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