
If McCain wins will Democrats realize that the problem is them and not an outside agency?

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Or will they stick to the delusion that there is a giant conspiracy out to get them?




  1. No, if McCain wins and turns this country around THEN they will realize they were wrong.

  2. They'll probably simply accept that Republicans won that particular race...but will still continue conspiracy theories just to mess with Republican's heads...especially the ones who stay up late at night worrying about the answer to this question.

  3. We wouldn't say theirs a giant conspiracy if there isnt one.

    I truly believe that if McCain wins the election there will be a revolt. Because All of the youth of America(and the future as well as intellectuals alike) Do not want another bush, or a power hungry, h**l bent on war, republican.

    But, i honestly think all the bashing of wings needs to stop, we only make our own parties look bad. Like this question, its rude and insulting, and no offense, but this question is biased, and makes you look stupid and intellectually challenged.  

  4. Afraid not, it seems to be a misconception that if we don't vote democratic we don't "think" correctly and we "have to" change our way of thinking.  Sames goes for the far right as well but the majority of Americans really do fall somewhere in the middle but they find the far left much more unpleasant than the right.

    I'm not a die hard voter for the Republican party and really had considered voting for the Democratic candidate this year until they went and nominated some Senator that spent 142 days in Congress before deciding he could run the country.

  5. You mean the conspiracy involving Vampires, Area 51, and Canadians wasn't true. Well, you know how the democrats are going to respond to this, by making up some other conspiracy theory, like some voter's were racist because they were prejudiced toward African-American's. I have told them I am not racist toward African-Americans. I am racist toward Democrats. for no sane reason. Just like u, dude who wrote this question. We both hate those lefty liberal pinko commies, always  using conspiracy theories during elections, like Florida tainted votes, or Florida tainted votes again, or Nixon cheated (Everyone knows it was all part of a larger conspiracy theory to kill Lincoln). I am glad you understand me question dude, we are just two rebels who spend all are free time posting conservatively biased questions and reading even more conservatively biased answers, despite people, like wives, or therapists, or judges, telling us that it was wrong. Go Conservatives, lets beat those Latte Drinking Commie Monkeys.  


  6. It seems as if the whole thing was a set up frm the begining....  who the h**l is going to vote for a black muslim?

    mccain all the way

  7. Bah, my guess is that Obama will win popular vote but the electoral college will put McCain in. Like year 2000, when Gore actually got more votes than Bush.

  8. no mc-cain is goin to win weather we like it or not. not to be disrespectful to anyone but their are alot of variables to consider and the fact is that if we like it or not the votes are being tampered with.

  9. I hope the h**l so. We have got to at some point realize that liberal is not as good moderate.

  10. they will realize that older white guys actually run this country.  

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